Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 52 67.3

line true false branch
13 10 140 $self->is_processed($_) ? :
70 15 ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? :
21 2181 63 if (ref $element eq 'ARRAY') { }
24 3 2617 $renderer->state && $renderer->state->{'values'}{$_} ? :
478 2620 $self->is_processed($_) ? :
26 5 2176 if (my $exp = $@)
27 5 0 if &blessed($exp) and $exp->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Exception::Control::Pause')
31 63 0 !$self->is_processed($$element) ? :
39 172 13 if (ref $element eq 'ARRAY') { }
42 180 10 !$self->is_processed($inner) ? :
45 13 0 !$self->is_processed($$element) ? :
60 1051 76 ref $self->{$_} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
66 4 60 if $renderer->state and exists $renderer->state->{'values'}{$self}
69 31 5609 if ($exp)
70 26 5 if &blessed($exp) and $exp->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Exception::Control')
71 5 0 if ($renderer->{'silence_exceptions'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($renderer->{'wrap_exceptions'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($renderer->{'print_exceptions'}) { }
73 0 0 if &blessed($exp) and $exp->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Exception::Renderer::Wrapped')
76 0 0 &blessed($exp) && $exp->can('english') ? :
81 151 5458 if $exp or not $self->is_processed($return) or not defined $return
87 0 0 if ref $_ and ref $_ eq 'HASH' and int keys %$_ == 1
88 0 0 $arg ? :
94 0 762 unless $optimizer and &blessed($optimizer) and $optimizer->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Optimizer')
106 85 18 if defined $_[1] and &looks_like_number($_[1])
107 16 2 if ref $_[1] and ref $_[1] eq 'DateTime'