Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 20 90.0

line true false branch
16 10 11 $tag->is_free ? :
22 130 0 if &blessed($_)
29 6 15 if $level == 0 and $token->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Token::Text') and $token->{'core'} =~ /\n/s
30 33 69 if $token->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Token::Tag') and ($token->{'tag'} =~ /^end/ and $self->{'tag_enclosing'}{do { my $a = $token->{'tag'}; $a =~ s/^end//; $a }})
31 116 6 if $idx > 0 and not $tokens[$idx - 1]->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Token::Text') && ($tokens[$idx - 1]{'core'} =~ /\n\s*$/ || $tokens[$idx - 1]{'core'} =~ /^\s*$/s) and not $tokens[$idx]->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Token::Text') && $tokens[$idx]{'core'} =~ /^\n/
32 2 126 if $token->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Token::Tag') and $token->{'tag'} =~ /(elsif|else)/
33 106 22 if $level + $modification + $loop_mod > 0
34 5 12 if $level == 0 and $token->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Token::Tag') and $idx > 0 and $tokens[$idx - 1]->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Token::Text') and $tokens[$idx - 1]{'core'} =~ /(\t*)$/
35 33 95 if $token->isa('WWW::Shopify::Liquid::Token::Tag') and $self->{'tag_enclosing'}{$token->{'tag'}}
44 29 0 if &blessed($_)