Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 2 53 3.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
253 0 0 0 $self->{'mode'} eq $WWW::Search::Test::MODE_INTERNAL and $query =~ /$WWW::Search::Test::bogus_query/
530 0 0 0 defined(my $s1 = readline DIFF1) and $iResult ne 1
679 0 0 0 $iAnyFailure and $WWW::Search::Test::sSaveOnError ne ''
712 0 0 0 defined $iMin and defined $iMax
0 0 0 defined $iMin and defined $iMax and $iMax < $iMin

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
96 1 0 shift @as || undef
100 1 0 $WWW::Search::Test::websearch ||= ''
190 0 0 $code ||= ''
239 0 0 $low_end ||= 0
240 0 0 $high_end ||= 0
300 0 0 open OUTFILE, ">$file.out" or die "$0: cannot open $file.out for writing ($!)\n"
652 0 0 pop @_ || 0
678 0 0 $WWW::Search::Test::sSaveOnError ||= ''
709 0 0 $iDebug ||= 0
710 0 0 $iPrintResults ||= 0
714 0 0 $iMin ||= 0
811 0 0 shift() || 0.8
898 0 0 $WWW::Search::Test::sSaveOnError ||= ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
293 0 0 0 $websearch ||= catfile($pwd, 'blib', 'script', 'WebSearch')
297 0 0 0 $self->{'verbose'} or $self->{'debug'}
778 0 0 0 $iResults < $iMin or $iMax < $iResults
828 0 0 0 $sDesc ||= "test #$iTest"