Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 89 158 56.3

line true false branch
50 1 1 if (@_) { }
75 0 1 if (@_)
81 1 0 if defined wantarray
91 2 2 if (@_)
97 3 1 if defined wantarray
107 0 1 if (@_)
113 1 0 if defined wantarray
127 0 2 unless defined $_[0] and length $_[0]
130 0 2 unless defined $_[1] and length $_[1]
174 1 1 if ($$token[1] eq 'Log in') { }
1 0 elsif ($$token[1] eq 'Choose Session Type') { }
222 1 1 if (defined $@ and length $@ || ref $@)
224 1 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'WWW::Postini::Exception::LoginFailure')) { }
246 0 2 unless defined $_[0] and length $_[0]
284 1 1 if (defined $@ and length $@ || ref $@)
286 0 1 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'WWW::Postini::Exception::UnexpectedResponse')) { }
311 9 0 if (@_)
315 0 9 if (defined $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'HASH')) { }
0 9 elsif (@_ == 1) { }
337 0 9 unless defined $args{'user_id'} and length $args{'user_id'}
343 4 5 unless defined $args{'show'}
344 9 0 unless defined $args{'sort'}
350 5 4 if ($args{'show'} == 0) { }
1 3 elsif ($args{'show'} == 1) { }
2 1 elsif ($args{'show'} == 2) { }
1 0 elsif ($args{'show'} == 3) { }
378 9 0 if ($args{'sort'} == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'sort'} == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'sort'} == 3) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'sort'} == 4) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'sort'} == 5) { }
419 1 8 if defined $args{'recipient'}
425 1 8 if defined $args{'sender'}
431 1 8 if defined $args{'subject'}
437 1 8 if defined $args{'filter'}
473 9 0 if defined $$tag[1]{'width'} and defined $$tag[1]{'align'} and $$tag[1]{'width'} eq '100%' and $$tag[1]{'align'} eq 'right'
488 0 45 if $$token[0] eq 'E' and $$token[1] eq 'font'
490 27 18 if ($$token[0] eq 'T')
492 18 9 unless $$token[1] =~ /\d+ - \d+ of \d+/s
517 0 31 unless defined $$tag[1]{'bgcolor'} and $$tag[1]{'bgcolor'} eq '#EEEEEE' || $$tag[1]{'bgcolor'} eq '#FFFFFF'
521 0 31 unless defined $p->get_tag('font')
575 9 0 if $end_range >= $total_messages
584 0 9 if (defined $@ and length $@ || ref $@)
586 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'WWW::Postini::Exception::UnexpectedResponse')) { }
608 0 1 unless defined $_[0] and length $_[0]
611 0 1 unless defined $_[1] and length $_[1]
654 0 2 if ($$token[0] eq 'S') { }
1 1 elsif ($$token[0] eq 'E') { }
1 0 elsif ($$token[0] eq 'T' or $$token[0] eq 'C' or $$token[0] eq 'D') { }
0 0 elsif ($$token[0] eq 'PI') { }
662 1 0 if $$token[1] eq 'xmp'
690 1 7 if $$token[0] eq 'E' and $$token[1] eq 'font'
691 3 4 unless $$token[0] eq 'T'
693 2 2 if (($file) = $$token[1] =~ /name=\"?([^";]+?)\s*(?:"|\;|$)/s)
705 0 1 if (defined $@ and length $@ || ref $@)
707 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'WWW::Postini::Exception::UnexpectedResponse')) { }
734 0 1 unless defined $_[0] and length $_[0]
742 1 0 if (@_)
746 0 1 if (defined $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'ARRAY')) { }
760 0 1 unless scalar @message_ids
799 1 0 if defined $text and $text eq 'Message Results'
818 0 1 if (defined $@ and length $@ || ref $@)
820 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'WWW::Postini::Exception::UnexpectedResponse')) { }
845 1 0 if (@_)
849 0 1 if (defined $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'HASH')) { }
863 0 1 unless defined $args{'user_id'} and length $args{'user_id'}
869 0 1 unless defined $args{'recipient'}
870 0 1 unless defined $args{'mark'}
871 0 1 unless defined $args{'clean'}
877 1 0 if ($args{'recipient'} == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'recipient'} == 1) { }
897 1 0 if (defined $args{'messages'})
899 1 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($args{'messages'}, 'ARRAY')) { }
913 0 1 unless scalar @message_ids
923 1 0 $args{'mark'} ? :
1 0 $args{'clean'} ? :
955 1 0 if defined $text and $text eq 'Message Results'
974 0 1 if (defined $@ and length $@ || ref $@)
978 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'WWW::Postini::Exception::UnexpectedResponse')) { }