Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 32 34.3

line true false branch
39 1 3 if (defined $str)
50 0 1 unless (defined $self->query)
64 0 1 if ($response->is_error)
123 0 1 if ($response->is_error)
127 0 1 unless my $html = 'HTML::TokeParser'->new($response->content_ref)
132 0 3 if (not $header and $$token[0] eq 'S' and $$token[1] eq 'a' and $$token[2]{'name'} and $$token[2]{'name'} eq $id)
137 107 0 unless $header
138 0 0 if ($$token[0] eq 'E' and $$token[1] eq 'blockquote')
143 0 0 if ($$token[0] eq 'S' and $$token[1] eq 'blockquote')
147 0 0 unless $inside
149 0 0 if ($$token[0] eq 'S' and $$token[1] eq 'p') { }
0 0 elsif ($$token[0] eq 'T') { }
163 0 0 unless ($$self{'_RESULTS'})
173 9 0 unless $el->tag eq 'a'
174 0 0 unless $el->attr('href')
191 2 1 if (defined $$self{'_USER_AGENT'})