Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 34 0.0

line true false branch
51 0 0 if (not $id =~ /^\d{1,9}$/u or $id == 0)
82 0 0 if ($response->is_success) { }
94 0 0 if ($downloaded_entry_file =~ m[<a href="([^<>]*)" itemprop="url"><span itemprop="name">([^<>]*)</span></a>[^<]]u)
100 0 0 if ($downloaded_entry_file =~ /$entry{'id'}\s([\d\s\.\:~]+)/u)
105 0 0 if ($downloaded_entry_file =~ /data-author="([\w\d\s]+)" data-author-id/u)
111 0 0 if ($downloaded_entry_file =~ m[class=\"content\">(.*?)</div>]u)
141 0 0 if ($downloaded_entry_file =~ /data-favorite-count="(\d+)"/u)
149 0 0 if ($response->is_success) { }
151 0 0 if ($downloaded_search_file =~ /<li data-id="(\d+)"/u)
175 0 0 if ($type ne 'popular' and $type ne 'today')
196 0 0 if ($response->is_success) { }
201 0 0 if ($currentpage == 2 and $downloaded_topiclist_file =~ /data-pagecount="(\d+)"/u)
212 0 0 unless ($1 ~~ \%topiclist_topics)
242 0 0 if ($response->is_success) { }
249 0 0 unless ($1 ~~ \@debe)
256 0 0 if (scalar @debe != 50)
272 0 0 if ($long =~ /"(http[^"]*)"/u)