Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 9 47 19.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
99 0 0 1 $id and $id =~ /^\d{1,}$/
114 0 0 0 $id and $id =~ /^\d{1,}$/
280 0 0 0 $url and $u
0 0 0 $url and $u and &any(sub { $u->scheme eq $_; } , 'http', 'https')
284 0 0 0 $response && $response->is_success
293 0 0 0 $url and $u
0 0 0 $url and $u and &any(sub { $u->scheme eq $_; } , 'http', 'https')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
149 1 0 $+{'date_posted'} // ''
150 0 1 $+{'time_posted'} // ''
151 0 1 $+{'date_updated'} // ''
152 0 1 $+{'time_updated'} // ''
171 1 0 $li_data_id_entry->{'data-author-id'} // 0
172 1 0 $li_data_id_entry->{'data-favorite-count'} // 0
176 1 0 $dom->at('section[id=hidden-channels]')->text // 0
200 0 0 $sleep_seconds //= 0
227 0 0 $sleep_seconds //= 0
254 0 0 shift() // 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
161 0 0 0 $date_updated || $date_posted
168 1 0 0 $li_data_id_entry->{'data-author'} // $a_entry_author->text