Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 4 52 7.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
221 0 0 0 $uk and $item->{'image'}
0 0 0 $uk and $item->{'image'} and not $item->{'image'} =~ /^http:/
428 0 0 0 $iDesired and $sPriority

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
153 0 1 shift() || 0
155 0 1 shift() || 0
311 0 0 shift() || 0
313 0 0 shift() || ''
315 0 0 shift() || 0
453 0 0 $sPriority ||= 'medium'
455 0 0 $iDesired ||= 1
483 0 0 $_[0]->attr('class') || ''
508 0 0 $_[0]->attr('class') || ''
577 0 0 shift() || (return)
586 0 0 shift() || (return)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
151 1 0 0 shift() || croak("No ID given to get_list() function\n")
168 0 1 0 $url ||= $uk ? "$sBase/gp/registry/wishlist/ref=cm_wl_search_1?page=$iPage&cid=$id" : "$sBase/gp/registry/wishlist/$id"
356 0 0 0 $oA->attr('title') || $oA->as_text
370 0 0 0 $sURL =~ m[/detail(?:/offer-listing)?/-/(.+?)/ref] or $sURL =~ m[/gp/product/(.+?)/ref]
0 0 0 $sURL =~ m[/detail(?:/offer-listing)?/-/(.+?)/ref] or $sURL =~ m[/gp/product/(.+?)/ref] or $sURL =~ m[/dp/(.+?)/(_encoding|ref)]
423 0 0 0 $sPriority ||= _match_priority($sSpan)
425 0 0 0 $iDesired ||= _match_desired($sSpan)