Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 116 0.0

line true false branch
34 0 0 if (defined &Apache::Constants::OK) { }
44 0 0 if ($r) { }
0 0 elsif (not $$self{'Controller'}{'HeaderPrinted'}) { }
48 0 0 unless defined $type
61 0 0 if ($ENV{'MOD_PERL'} and eval ' require Apache::Request; 1 ') { }
90 0 0 if ($action eq 'newfileform') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'newfile') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'delfile') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'newdirform') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'newdir') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'download') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'upload') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'doupload') { }
0 0 elsif ($action eq 'version') { }
118 0 0 if not defined $path or $path eq ''
126 0 0 if (-d $abspath) { }
0 0 elsif (-f $abspath) { }
144 0 0 if (opendir D, $abspath)
147 0 0 if $f =~ /(^(RCS$|CVS$|\.)|~$ )/x
149 0 0 if (open DESC, 'File::Spec'->catfile($abspath, ".desc.$f"))
156 0 0 -l $absfile ? :
172 0 0 if ($path ne '/')
186 0 0 unless $t->process('tmpleditor_dirlisting.tpl.html', {'message', $message, 'htmlmessage', $htmlmessage, 'paths', $wesiteinfo->paths, 'files', \@file, 'r', $r, 'currentdir', $path, 'currentdirfs', $abspath, 'dirwritable', -w $abspath, 'debug', 0})
213 0 0 if ($path =~ /\.(gif|jpe?g|png|tiff?)$/) { }
0 0 elsif (-T $abspath and open my $f, $abspath) { }
218 0 0 if (length $text > 1024)
235 0 0 defined $imgurl ? :
0 0 $r ? :
0 0 unless $t->process('tmpleditor_filepage.tpl.html', {'message', $message, 'htmlmessage', $htmlmessage, 'paths', $wesiteinfo->paths, 'r', $r, 'currentfile', $path, 'currentbasename', basename($path), 'parentdir', dirname($path), 'imgurl', defined $imgurl ? $imgurl : undef, 'text', $text, 'textfragment', $text_fragment, 'filewritable', -w $abspath, 'selfuri', $r ? $r->uri : $cgi->url(-'relative', 1)})
304 0 0 if ($cgi->param('uploadfile') eq '')
320 0 0 unless ($upload)
324 0 0 unless open my $out_fh, "> $dest_file"
325 0 0 ref $upload && $upload->can('fh') ? :
330 0 0 unless (close $out_fh)
334 0 0 unless (cp($dest_file, $abspath))
344 0 0 if ($@ and not $@ =~ /Undefined subroutine &WebEditor::SystemExplorer::upload_hook called/)
418 0 0 unless open my $fh, $abspath
432 0 0 if (-e $abspath)
446 0 0 unless $t->process('tmpleditor_newfile.tpl.html', {'message', $message, 'htmlmessage', $htmlmessage, 'paths', $wesiteinfo->paths, 'r', $r, 'currentdir', $path})
464 0 0 if ($cgi->param('uploadfile') eq '')
469 0 0 if ($basename ne '' and _invalid_file_name($basename))
474 0 0 unless ($upload)
478 0 0 if ($basename eq '')
481 0 0 if (_invalid_file_name($basename))
491 0 0 unless open my $out_fh, "> $out_name"
492 0 0 ref $upload && $upload->can('fh') ? :
503 0 0 if ($@ and not $@ =~ /Undefined subroutine &WebEditor::SystemExplorer::newfile_hook called/)
518 0 0 unless $t->process('tmpleditor_newdir.tpl.html', {'message', $message, 'htmlmessage', $htmlmessage, 'paths', $wesiteinfo->paths, 'r', $r, 'currentdir', $path})
537 0 0 if ($basename eq '')
540 0 0 if (_invalid_file_name($basename))
550 0 0 unless (-d $out_name)
559 0 0 if (_invalid_path_name($relpath))
560 0 0 if ref $msgref
564 0 0 unless ($relpath =~ m[^(|images|styles|we/(styles|script|images|we_templates|oszportal_(templates|prototypes|we_prototypes)))/])
565 0 0 if ref $msgref
574 0 0 if $file =~ m[(^|/)\.\.($|/)]
579 0 0 if $file =~ m[/]
580 0 0 if $file =~ /^\./