Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 36 88.8

line true false branch
87 5 6 if (keys %$charge)
93 8 5 $I->{'currentround'} ? :
96 1 12 unless keys %$unw
99 1 11 if ($I->EstimationFresh and $I->EstimationRule eq 'estimate')
103 5 20 if ($I->{'lastcharge'}{$e} and not $I->EstimationFresh) { }
108 13 7 if ($estrule eq 'estimate') { }
3 4 elsif ($estrule eq 'votevalue') { }
2 2 elsif ($estrule eq 'zero') { }
2 0 elsif ($estrule eq 'halfvalue') { }
124 4 9 if ($TC{$C} >= $quota)
140 0 70 if $freeze->{$froz}
147 0 76 if ($freeze->{$E}) { }
43 33 elsif ($charge->{$E}{'surplus'} >= 0) { }
159 4 72 if $cap->{$E} < $estnew{$E}
161 1 75 if $bottom->{$E} > $estnew{$E}
167 2 3 if ($I->IterationLog)
188 0 26 if ($iteration > 100)
199 35 35 if ($est1 != $est2)