Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 48 64.5

line true false branch
79 0 59 if ($params and ref $params and exists $$params{'context'}) { }
89 0 59 unless $retVal
120 3 47 if ($name eq 'var')
125 3 0 if (defined $varName)
129 1 2 unless $$self{'_context'}
134 3 47 unless (defined $newItem)
140 47 0 if ($newItem) { }
144 0 0 if $VoiceXML::Client::Debug
205 1 1 if (defined $$self{'_runtime'}) { }
209 1 0 if $$self{'parent'}
219 0 0 if exists $$self{'_context'} and defined $$self{'_context'} and $$self{'_context'}
222 0 0 if defined $$self{'parent'} and $$self{'parent'}
243 16 0 if (defined $setTo)
254 0 45 if $$self{'_abortprocessing'}
256 26 19 if $$self{'parent'}
264 0 16 if $VoiceXML::Client::Debug > 3
279 3 16 if (scalar @{$$self{'children'};})
284 3 0 if ($$self{'children'}[$i])
307 18 19 unless $$self{'currentchild'} < scalar @{$$self{'children'};}
333 6 13 if $rv != $VoiceXML::Client::Flow::Directive{'CONTINUE'}
349 53 92 if ($self->can('isaVXMLDocument'))
354 92 0 if ($$self{'parent'})
365 3 3 if ($self->can('isaFormItem'))
370 3 0 if ($$self{'parent'})