Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 65 100 65.0

line true false branch
51 0 239 unless $params{'fileref'}
63 35 204 if $params{'netlist'}{'options'}
65 0 239 if ($meta) { }
28 211 elsif ($params{'netlist'}{'keep_comments'}) { }
66 0 0 unless ref $meta eq 'HASH'
76 0 239 if $params{'netlist'}{'include_open_nonfatal'}
77 0 239 if $params{'netlist'}{'synthesis'}
92 0 6 if $Verilog::Netlist::Debug
94 0 6 unless ($modref)
108 0 4 if $Verilog::Netlist::Debug
110 0 4 unless ($modref)
125 0 6 if $Verilog::Netlist::Debug
140 0 2 if $Verilog::Netlist::Debug
142 0 2 unless ($modref)
161 0 246 if $Verilog::Netlist::Debug
207 0 204 if ($text =~ /^([\$A-Za-z]\w*)\s+ (\w+) (\s*=\s*)? (.*) /x)
209 0 0 if ($eql ne '')
212 0 0 if ($Verilog::Netlist::Debug)
217 0 0 if ($modref)
232 204 6 unless $objof eq 'module' or $objof eq 'interface' or $objof eq 'modport'
236 684 44 if ($pinnum)
239 688 40 if ($direction)
258 0 12796 if $Verilog::Netlist::Debug
260 208 8 unless $objof eq 'module' or $objof eq 'interface' or $objof eq 'modport' or $objof eq 'netlist'
264 459 12129 if ($data_type and $data_type =~ /\[(.*):(.*)\]/) { }
0 24236 elsif ($data_type and $data_type =~ /\[(.*)\]/) { }
271 4 12584 if ($objof eq 'netlist')
275 0 12588 unless ($underref)
286 12580 8 unless $net
291 11250 1338 if $net_type
303 0 450 if $Verilog::Netlist::Debug
305 0 450 unless ($modref)
329 0 220 if $prev
330 220 0 $pin ? :
336 842 7 if (not $self->{'use_pinselects'})
347 419 430 unless $hasnamedports
350 0 849 if $Verilog::Netlist::Debug
352 0 849 unless ($cellref)
365 7 842 if ($self->{'use_pinselects'}) { }
373 419 430 unless $hasnamedports
390 103 131 if ($self->{'_cmtref'}) { }
27 104 elsif ($self->{'modref'}) { }
392 36 67 defined $old ? :
397 3 24 defined $old ? :
445 0 249 unless my $filename = $params{'filename'}
446 0 249 unless my $netlist = $params{'netlist'}
449 10 239 unless ($filepath)
450 0 10 if ($params{'error_self'}) { }
0 10 elsif (not defined $params{'error_self'}) { }
454 0 239 if $Verilog::Netlist::Debug