Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 26 33 78.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
31 3 0 3469 keys %$data == 1 and exists $data->{'value'}
118 0 2 4 $data and $data->isa("Venus::Hash")
126 0 4 2 $data and $data->isa("Venus::Array")
207 0 6 2 $data and ref $data
6 1 1 $data and ref $data and ref $data eq "HASH"
215 0 6 2 $data and ref $data
6 1 1 $data and ref $data and ref $data eq "ARRAY"
998 964 23 0 &Scalar::Util::isdual($value) && ("$value" eq '' && $value + 0 == 0 || "$value" == '1' && $value + 0 == 1 || "$value" == '0' && $value + 0 == 0)
1008 546 305 113 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($value) && length do { $value =~ /^[+-]?([0-9]*)?\.[0-9]+$/u }
1016 546 24 281 &Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($value) && length do { BEGIN {${^WARNING_BITS} = "\x54\x55\x55\x51\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x55\x05"} $value & '' }

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
63 113 1 0 $kind || $code