Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 32 65.6

line true false branch
36 13 0 unless defined $self->markers
37 13 0 unless defined $self->variables
73 0 162 unless ($data)
76 5 157 if (not &Scalar::Util::blessed($data) and ref $data eq "ARRAY")
79 118 39 if (not &Scalar::Util::blessed($data) and ref $data eq "HASH")
82 0 39 if (not &Scalar::Util::blessed($data) or &Scalar::Util::blessed($data) and not $data->isa('Venus::Array') || $data->isa('Venus::Hash')) { }
95 19 21 unless (defined $content)
99 18 22 if (not defined $variables) { }
149 8 5 if (lc $type eq 'if') { }
0 5 elsif (lc $type eq 'if not') { }
5 0 elsif (lc $type eq 'for') { }
190 5 3 if ($boolean) { }
194 1 2 if ($b) { }
224 0 0 if (not $boolean) { }
228 0 0 if ($b) { }
242 0 5 unless ($mappable->isa("Venus::Array"))