Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 42 66.6

line true false branch
85 196008 2312193 unless $meta and $data
86 0 2312193 unless $meta ne $etag
89 1506915 805278 @info == 2 ? :
115 2 0 wantarray ? :
2 7576 unless keys %$data
125 0 2312183 if ($text = $data->{'data'})
126 0 0 ref $text eq 'Regexp' ? :
127 0 0 if join($", @{$item->{'data'};}) =~ /$text/u
131 0 2312183 if ($index = $data->{'index'})
132 0 0 ref $index eq 'Regexp' ? :
133 0 0 if $item->{'index'} =~ /$index/u
137 1435352 876831 if ($list = $data->{'list'}) { }
138 0 1435352 ref $list eq 'Regexp' ? :
139 132764 1302588 if defined $item->{'list'} and $item->{'list'} =~ /$list/u
143 280852 489435 if exists $data->{'list'} and not defined $data->{'list'} and not defined $item->{'list'}
147 2309251 2932 if ($name = $data->{'name'})
148 0 2309251 ref $name eq 'Regexp' ? :
149 31444 2277807 if $item->{'name'} =~ /$name/u
152 7961 2304222 unless (grep((!defined($found->{$_})), keys %$sought))
157 7568 8 wantarray ? :
169 1 4 wantarray ? :