Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 28 122 22.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
99 3 0 1 $self->login && $self->password
1 0 0 @args == 1 && ref $args[0] eq 'ARRAY'
1302 0 0 51 ($is eq 'ro' || $is eq 'rw') && ($pre eq 'opt' || $pre eq 'req') && $isa
1629 0 0 172 -f $file && ($content = $test->$method(@args))

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
99 0 0 $data->{'x'} || 100
183 7708 0 0 $self->proxy('ok', !!$data, $desc) || $self->dump($data)
303 0 0 $_->{'list'} || ''
729 0 0 $_->{'list'} || ''
764 0 0 $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'attribute') || $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'attributes') || 'This package has the following attributes:'
784 0 0 $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'attribute') || $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'attributes') || 'This package has the following attributes:'
835 0 0 $_->{'list'} || ''
852 0 0 $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'error') || $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'errors') || 'This package may raise the following errors:'
887 0 0 $_->{'list'} || ''
904 0 0 $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'feature') || $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'features') || 'This package provides the following features:'
941 4 0 $_->{'list'} || ''
961 0 1 $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'function') || $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'functions') || 'This package provides the following functions:'
1073 0 0 $_->{'list'} || ''
1090 0 0 $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'message') || $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'messages') || 'This package provides the following messages:'
1127 28 0 $_->{'list'} || ''
1147 0 1 $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'method') || $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'methods') || 'This package provides the following methods:'
1178 0 0 $_->{'list'} || ''
1195 0 0 $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'operator') || $self->safe('text', 'heading', 'operators') || 'This package overloads the following operators:'
1262 0 86 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1278 0 0 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1307 0 15 $code ||= sub { foreach my $line (split(/\r?\n/u, $data, 0)) { my($name, $is, $pre, $isa, $def) = map({split(/,\s*/u, $_, 0);} split(/:\s*/u, $line, 2)); $self->pass($package->can($name), "$package has $name"); $self->pass(($is eq 'ro' || $is eq 'rw') && ($pre eq 'opt' || $pre eq 'req') && $isa, $line); } ; $data; }
1323 0 0 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1339 0 86 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1355 0 0 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1371 0 30 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1406 2696 0 $code ||= sub { 1; }
1423 0 15 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1439 0 0 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1484 0 47 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1504 0 26 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1525 0 0 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1542 0 0 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1558 0 0 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1574 0 0 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1594 0 86 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1611 0 72 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1659 0 0 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1690 86 0 $code ||= sub { $_[0]->result; }
1707 0 86 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1723 0 0 $code ||= sub { length $data > 1; }
1731 0 0 $package->VERSION // ""

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
99 1 0 0 $data->{'x'} ||= int($data->{'x'} || 100)
111 1 0 0 $self->proxy('ok', !!!$data, $desc) || $self->dump($data)
267 0 0 0 @$results or grep(($name eq $_), "messages")
308 0 0 0 $signature or $metadata
0 0 0 $signature or $metadata or $examples
322 0 0 0 $self->text('heading', $name) || $self->text('heading', $list)
338 6900 274 0 $self->{'data'} ||= "Venus::Data"->new($self->file)
1465 0 81 0 $code ||= $self->can("test_for_include")
1640 0 86 0 $code ||= $self->can("test_for_partial")