Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 38 72 52.7

line true false branch
131 0 250 unless "CODE" eq ref $configuration_routine
169 64 103 if (defined $arguments->{'fields'})
174 78 89 if (defined $arguments->{'params'})
189 83 2 if $self->can($name) and $proto->fields->has($name) or $proto->attributes->has($name) or $proxy_methods->{$name}
218 0 3 if @_ == 4
238 0 3 unless $class and $name and $type
244 3 0 if @_ = ($name, $data)
253 1 13 if @_ == 3
257 0 14 unless $attributes
259 14 0 unless isa_arrayref($attributes)
276 1 3 if @_ == 2
280 0 4 unless "CODE" eq ref $code
297 0 3 if @_ == 3
301 0 3 unless $name and $code
318 0 12 if @_ == 3
324 0 12 unless $name and $data
342 0 2 if @_ == 3
348 0 2 unless $name and $data
365 0 150 if @_ == 3
371 0 150 unless $name and $data
388 0 1 if @_ == 3
392 0 1 unless $name and $code
423 5 13 if (@_ == 1) { }
13 0 elsif (@_ == 2) { }
0 0 elsif (@_ >= 3) { }
425 5 0 if ("HASH" eq ref $_[0])
438 0 13 if ('HASH' eq ref $_[-1]) { }
458 0 0 if (@_ % 2) { }
488 0 0 if @_ == 3
492 0 0 unless $name and $template
509 0 16 if @_ == 3
513 0 16 unless $name and $data
530 0 19 if @_ == 3
536 0 19 unless $name and $data
570 0 11 if @_ == 3
574 0 11 unless $name and $code