Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 32 93.7

line true false branch
69 1 1 $_[0] =~ /^(?:[^\d\-]+)?([\-])/ ? :
71 1 1 $n ? :
77 1 1 $_[0] =~ /^(?:[^\d\-]+)?([\-])/ ? :
79 1 1 $n ? :
91 2 15 $_[0] =~ /^(?:[^\d\-]+)?([\-])/ ? :
93 2 15 $n ? :
138 325 230 if ($proto->validated == 2)
163 151 851 if (not defined $field->{'filters'}) { }
190 289 1424 unless $state and $proto->filtering eq 'pre' || $proto->filtering eq 'post' and defined $field->{'filters'} and defined $field->{'filtering'} and defined $param
195 0 1424 unless defined $field->{'filtering'}
197 1110 314 if ($field->{'filtering'} eq $state and $state ne 'off')
200 1089 21 isa_arrayref($field->{'filters'}) ? :
204 7 1103 isa_arrayref($param) ? :
206 23 1094 unless $value
210 562 10 unless isa_coderef($filter)
213 0 572 unless $filter