Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 32 46.8

line true false branch
77 64 64 if ($n != 0)
115 1 0 if (exists $data{'callback'} and ref $data{'callback'} eq 'CODE') { }
121 1 0 if (exists $data{'update_callback'} and ref $data{'update_callback'} eq 'CODE') { }
127 1 0 if (exists $data{'log_callback'} and ref $data{'log_callback'} eq 'CODE') { }
133 0 1 if ($data{'max_age'}) { }
159 1 0 if ($otp =~ /^([cbdefghijklnrtuv]{0,16})([cbdefghijklnrtuv]{32})$/) { }
164 0 1 unless ($token)
170 0 6 unless (defined $token->{$k})
180 0 1 unless (length $plaintext)
186 1 0 if (substr($plainhex, 0, length $token->{'iid'}) eq $token->{'iid'}) { }
189 1 0 if ($crc == 61624) { }
201 0 1 if ($count < $token->{'count'}) { }
0 1 elsif ($count == $token->{'count'}) { }
1 0 elsif ($count > $token->{'count'}) { }
204 0 0 if ($use <= $token->{'use'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($tsage > $self->{'max_age'}) { }