Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 109 114 95.6

line true false branch
46 1 132 unless defined $rules->{'fields'}
49 131 131 unless exists $rules->{$_}
50 4 127 if (ref $rules->{$_} ne 'ARRAY' or @{$rules->{$_};} % 2)
56 1 255 unless /^(fields|filters|checks)$/
60 124 2 @{$rules->{'fields'};} ? :
65 156 68 if exists $input->{$key}
72 49 173 if $err
76 45 79 keys %$error ? :
87 157 28 if ($ref eq 'CODE') { }
26 2 elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
89 56 101 unless defined $param
94 19 20 if (defined $param) { }
95 9 10 if $result
114 146 103 if (_match($key, $match))
115 98 48 $check ? :
116 97 47 if ($check) { }
117 49 48 if $temp
124 173 155 if $check
130 231 35 if (not ref $b) { }
22 13 elsif (ref $b eq 'ARRAY') { }
12 1 elsif (ref $b eq 'Regexp') { }
147 25 1 if (exists $FILTERS{$_}) { }
154 17 4 @result == 1 ? :
160 17 20 if defined $_[0] and $_[0] ne ''
167 0 3 unless defined $condition
169 0 3 if (ref $condition and ref $condition ne 'CODE')
174 3 4 ref $condition eq 'CODE' ? :
178 3 4 unless $required
179 2 2 if defined $value and $value ne ''
187 4 2 if exists $_[1]{$_[2]}
196 1 3 if not defined $_[0] or $_[0] eq ''
197 1 2 if defined $_[1]{$other} and $_[0] eq $_[1]{$other}
206 1 5 if not defined $_[0] or $_[0] eq ''
207 2 3 if length $_[0] >= $min and length $_[0] <= $max
216 1 3 if not defined $_[0] or $_[0] eq ''
217 1 2 if length $_[0] >= $length
226 1 4 if not defined $_[0] or $_[0] eq ''
227 2 2 if length $_[0] <= $length
236 2 3 if not defined $_[0] or ref $_[0] eq $class
244 1 2 unless ref $regexp eq 'Regexp'
246 1 4 if not defined $_[0] or $_[0] eq ''
247 1 3 if $_[0] =~ /$regexp/
255 1 2 unless ref $arrayref eq 'ARRAY'
257 1 4 if not defined $_[0] or $_[0] eq ''
258 1 3 if _match($_[0], $arrayref)
266 1 5 if (defined $filters and ref $filters eq 'HASH')
268 1 0 if ref $filters->{$key} eq 'CODE'
276 5 1 unless ref $self
278 2 4 if (ref $input ne 'HASH' or ref $rules ne 'HASH')
292 27 0 $AUTOLOAD =~ /::(\w+)$/ ? :
293 0 27 if ($sub =~ /(params|rules)/) { }
21 6 elsif ($sub =~ /(data|error)/) { }
3 3 elsif ($sub eq 'success') { }
2 1 elsif ($sub eq 'to_hash') { }
297 8 13 if (my $field = shift()) { }
299 6 2 if (scalar @$fields)
300 3 3 unless _match($field, $fields)