Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 48 0.0

line true false branch
73 0 0 if (scalar @{$res;})
166 0 0 unless defined $dbh
167 0 0 unless defined $dbh_typeinfo
168 0 0 unless defined $dirs
170 0 0 unless defined $runChecks
173 0 0 if (defined $file)
190 0 0 unless defined $insfx
195 0 0 unless exists $ValidParserMakeArgs{$insfx}
202 0 0 if (&firstidx(sub { $_ eq $insfx; } , ['cs', 'vb'] != -1))
210 0 0 unless (defined $testSet)
211 0 0 if (exists $Parsers{"${insfx}2"}) { }
223 0 0 if (defined $testSet)
231 0 0 $VSGDR::TestScriptGen::OSNAME eq 'MSWin32' ? :
252 0 0 if (&firstidx(sub { $_ eq $testName; } , @existingTests) == -1)
258 0 0 if ($runChecks)
263 0 0 if (not defined $checkText or $checkText eq '')
270 0 0 if (defined $resultsTable and scalar @$resultsTable eq 1 and scalar @{$resultsTable->[0];} gt 0)
286 0 0 if (defined $fh) { }
317 0 0 if (defined $checkText) { }
323 0 0 if ($receivingTable ne '')
430 0 0 if (scalar @run1_res and scalar @{$run1_res[0];} and $run1_res[0][0][0] eq 'VSGDR::TestScriptGen - raised exception')
508 0 0 if (scalar @names)
510 0 0 $a =~ /char|binary/ism ? :
511 0 0 $a eq '' ? :