Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 166 0.0

line true false branch
67 0 0 if (scalar @{$res;})
109 0 0 unless defined $dbh
110 0 0 unless defined $schema
111 0 0 unless defined $table
113 0 0 if $schema =~ /\A \[ .+ \] \Z /imsx
114 0 0 if $table =~ /\A \[ .+ \] \Z /imsx
125 0 0 $VSGDR::StaticData::OSNAME eq 'MSWin32' ? :
132 0 0 if ($hasId)
138 0 0 if $hasId
139 0 0 if $hasId
146 0 0 unless scalar @{$ra_columns;}
154 0 0 $_->[1] =~ /uniqueidentifier|char|text|date/i ? :
183 0 0 if (not scalar @{$ra_pkcolumns;}) { }
0 0 elsif (scalar @{$ra_pkcolumns;} != 1) { }
225 0 0 unless grep {$_->[0] eq $col->[0];} @{$ra_pkcolumns;}
285 0 0 $l->[1] =~ /\A(?:date|datetime[2]?|smalldatetime)\z/i ? :
289 0 0 !($l->[1] =~ / (?: char ) /imsx) ? :
298 0 0 if (not $hasId or $l->[0] ne $idCol) { }
0 0 elsif ($hasId) { }
348 0 0 if ($IsColumnNumeric[$i] == 1 and not defined $ra_row->[$i])
351 0 0 if ($IsColumnNumeric[$i] == 0 and not defined $ra_row->[$i])
354 0 0 if ($IsColumnNumeric[$i] == 1 and defined $ra_row->[$i])
357 0 0 if ($IsColumnNumeric[$i] == 0 and defined $ra_row->[$i])
358 0 0 if (do { $ra_columns }->[$i][1] =~ /\A(?:date|datetime[2]?|smalldatetime)\z/i) { }
376 0 0 if (scalar @valuesTable)
385 0 0 if (length $tmp[$i] > $maxWidth[$i])
413 0 0 if ($pk_column)
424 0 0 if (scalar @{$ra_data;} > $LargeDataSetThreshhold)
432 0 0 if (scalar @nonKeyColumns)
467 0 0 if (scalar @{$ra_data;} > $LargeDataSetThreshhold)
630 0 0 unless defined $dbh
631 0 0 unless defined $schema
632 0 0 unless defined $table
633 0 0 unless defined $sql
634 0 0 unless defined $use_MinimalForm
635 0 0 unless defined $use_IgnoreNulls
637 0 0 if $schema =~ /\A \[ .+ \] \Z /imsx
638 0 0 if $table =~ /\A \[ .+ \] \Z /imsx
649 0 0 if ($hasId)
655 0 0 if $hasId
656 0 0 if $hasId
661 0 0 unless scalar @{$ra_columns;}
664 0 0 $_->[1] =~ /uniqueidentifier|char|text|date/i ? :
688 0 0 $l->[1] =~ /\A(?:date|datetime[2]?|smalldatetime)\z/i ? :
710 0 0 if ($use_IgnoreNulls) { }
714 0 0 if (defined $ra_row->[$i])
729 0 0 if ($useColumnValues[$i])
730 0 0 if (not scalar $colList) { }
750 0 0 if ($useColumnValues[$i])
751 0 0 if (not defined $ra_row->[$i]) { }
755 0 0 if (do { $ra_metadata }->[$i][1] =~ /\A(?:date|datetime[2]?|smalldatetime)\z/i) { }
0 0 elsif (do { $ra_metadata }->[$i][1] =~ /(?:uniqueidentifier|char|text|date)/i) { }
775 0 0 if (scalar @valuesTable)
784 0 0 if ($useColumnValues[$i])
785 0 0 if (length $tmp[$i] > $maxWidth[$i])
799 0 0 if ($useColumnValues[$j])
814 0 0 if (not $use_MinimalForm) { }
848 0 0 unless my $dbh = shift()
849 0 0 unless my $sql = shift()
850 0 0 unless my $ra_validColumns = shift()
863 0 0 if (&any(sub { $_->[0] eq $col->[2]; } , @$ra_validColumns))
878 0 0 unless my $dbh = shift()
879 0 0 unless my $combinedName = shift()
880 0 0 unless my $cols = shift()
881 0 0 unless my $sql = shift()
915 0 0 unless my $dbh = shift()
916 0 0 unless my $combinedName = shift()
934 0 0 unless my $combinedName = shift()
940 0 0 if (not $pkCol) { }
961 0 0 unless my $dbh = shift()
962 0 0 unless my $schema = shift()
963 0 0 unless my $table = shift()
993 0 0 unless my $dbh = shift()
994 0 0 unless my $schema = shift()
995 0 0 unless my $table = shift()
1028 0 0 unless my $dbh = shift()
1029 0 0 unless my $qtd_schema = shift()
1030 0 0 unless my $qtd_table = shift()
1042 0 0 if (scalar @{$res;})
1086 0 0 unless my $dbh = shift()
1087 0 0 unless my $schema = shift()
1088 0 0 unless my $table = shift()
1094 0 0 if (scalar @{$res;})