Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 42 66.6

line true false branch
26 0 4 if ($ASN1Index[2][2] == 16)
29 0 0 if ($TAG == 4)
38 0 36 if ($HEADSTART < $ignoreuntil) { }
40 4 32 if ($index == 0 and $TAG == 2) { }
4 28 elsif ($index == 1 and $TAG == 2) { }
4 24 elsif ($index == 2 and $TAG == 2) { }
4 20 elsif ($index == 3 and $TAG == 2) { }
4 16 elsif ($index == 4 and $TAG == 2) { }
4 12 elsif ($index == 5 and $TAG == 2) { }
4 8 elsif ($index == 6 and $TAG == 2) { }
4 4 elsif ($index == 7 and $TAG == 2) { }
4 0 elsif ($index == 8 and $TAG == 2) { }
54 0 4 if (defined $Values{'Keyversion'})
55 4 0 if (defined $Values{'Keymodulus'})
56 0 4 if (defined $Values{'KeypublicExponent'})
57 4 0 if (defined $Values{'KeyprivateExponent'})
58 0 4 if (defined $Values{'Keyprime1'})
59 0 4 if (defined $Values{'Keyprime2'})
60 0 4 if (defined $Values{'Keyexponent1'})
61 0 4 if (defined $Values{'Keyexponent2'})
62 0 4 if (defined $Values{'Keycoefficient'})