Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 130 0.0

line true false branch
111 0 0 if (exists $$self{$p}) { }
133 0 0 unless /^=/
134 0 0 if (/^=+\s*Workspace:\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*/)
164 0 0 unless /^\s*([^:]+):\s*(.*?)\s*$/
165 0 0 unless exists $tr{$1}
166 0 0 if @rv == 0 or exists $rv[-1]{$tr{$1}}
170 0 0 unless @rv
173 0 0 if (exists $$_{'snapshot_path'})
178 0 0 wantarray ? :
194 0 0 if /Server:\s*(.*?)\s*$/
198 0 0 unless (@servers)
204 0 0 if (@servers > 1 and exists $opt{'snapshot'})
206 0 0 if $self->exists_snapshot('server', $_, 'snapshot', $opt{'snapshot'})
210 0 0 @servers == 1 ? :
0 0 wantarray ? :
227 0 0 if defined $map
229 0 0 exists $opt{'server'} ? :
234 0 0 if defined $map
237 0 0 unless $snapshot =~ m[ ^/ ]x
238 0 0 if ($self->exists_snapshot('server', $server, 'snapshot', $snapshot))
263 0 0 if /^\s*\Q$snapshot\E\s*$/
297 0 0 if (m( ^ (.*?) (/?) \[(\d+)\] $ )x) { }
298 0 0 $2 ? :
373 0 0 if exists $opt{'rev1'}
374 0 0 if exists $opt{'rev2'}
375 0 0 if $rev
376 0 0 unless my $out = $self->_run("whist -d $rev $arg $opt{'file'}")
379 0 0 unless defined $info
400 0 0 unless exists $$self{'_pcache'}
402 0 0 if ($path =~ m[ ^ \Q$$p[0]\E / (.+) $ ]x)
406 0 0 if $path =~ m[ ^ (/.*) / ([^/]+) $ ]x
420 0 0 defined $$self{'server'} ? :
434 0 0 if @_ % 2
438 0 0 @_ > 2 ? :
466 0 0 if ($_ eq '*')
468 0 0 unless my($passthrough, $o) = /^(\*?)(\w+)(?:\[([mdb]+)\])?(?:=(.*))?$/
470 0 0 if defined $4
472 0 0 unless (exists $opts{$o})
473 0 0 if $mod{'d'} and defined $default{$o}
474 0 0 unless (exists $opts{$o})
475 0 0 if $mod{'m'}
479 0 0 if ($passthrough)
483 0 0 unless my $a = $map{$o}
485 0 0 if (not $mod{'b'} or $in)
486 0 0 if exists $process{$o}
491 0 0 unless ($more or keys %opts == 0)
493 0 0 keys %opts == 1 ? :
497 0 0 wantarray ? :
505 0 0 unless defined $project
506 0 0 defined $project ? :
515 0 0 unless / \A ^ Revision: \s* (\d+) \s* .*? \s* (?: Derivation: \s* (.*?) \s* )? $ \s* # (revision) (derivation) ^ Date: \s* ([^;]+) ; \s* Size: \s* (\d+) \s* bytes \s* $ \s* # (date) (size) ^ Author: \s* (.*?) \s* $ \s* # (author) ^ Snapshot: \s* (.*?) \s* $ \s* # (snapshot) (?: ^ Used \s+ in: \s* (.*? (?: \s* ^\s{8,} .+?)* ) \s* $ )? \s* # (used) (?: ^ Change: \s* (.*?) \s* $ )? \s* # (change) ^ ([\s\S]+) \s* # (comment) \Z /mx
536 0 0 if defined $2
537 0 0 if defined $7
538 0 0 if defined $8
540 0 0 unless my($Y, $M, $D, $h, $m, $s, $zh, $zm) = $r{'date'} =~ m[(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+) \s* (\d+):(\d+):(\d+) (?:\s+ [+-](\d{2})(\d{2}))?]x
565 0 0 if (system "$cmd 1>$out 2>$err")
569 0 0 if (-f $out)
571 0 0 unless unlink $out
572 0 0 if ($$self{'debug'} >= 2)
577 0 0 if (-f $err)
579 0 0 unless unlink $err
580 0 0 if ($$self{'debug'} >= 2)
598 0 0 if ($$self{'debug'} >= $level)
608 0 0 unless my $fh = 'IO::File'->new($file)
609 0 0 wantarray ? :