Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 82 82 100.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
347 2 4 358 @_ and $_[0]
4 129 229 @_ and $_[0] and not ref $_[0]
133 5 224 @_ and $_[0] and not ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ /^-/
358 4 10 3 $pass ne "undef" and $pass ne "ref"
389 16 1 14 $arrays and ref $hash eq "ARRAY"
407 97 9 3 $ro and @_
106 2 1 $ro and @_ and not $new
411 91 11 6 exists $keys{'DESTROY'} and $destroy || $clean || !$meth || ref $hash->{'DESTROY'} ne 'CODE'
413 80 15 1 $new and exists $keys{'new'}
414 84 10 1 $ro and not $lock
417 29 14 9 $arrays and ref $_ eq "ARRAY"
428 81 13 18 $meth and ref $hash->{$k} eq "CODE"
507 1 1 63 @_ and $_[0]
1 27 36 @_ and $_[0] and not ref $_[0]
28 10 26 @_ and $_[0] and not ref $_[0] and $_[0] =~ /^-/
515 6 7 6 $arrays and ref $h2o eq "ARRAY"

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
434 5 1 eval { do { &$destroy($_[0]); 1 } } or carp($@)
448 11 1 exists $keys{$_} or croak("Unknown argument '${_}'")

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
358 1 3 14 not defined $pass or $pass ne "undef" and $pass ne "ref"
363 1 1 14 not defined $class or ref $class
2 1 13 not defined $class or ref $class or not length $class
369 1 1 9 not defined $class or ref $class
2 1 8 not defined $class or ref $class or not length $class
375 1 5 1 ref $isa eq "ARRAY" or not ref $isa
391 16 2 3 ref $_ eq "HASH" or ref $_ eq "ARRAY"
397 1 3 2 not defined $hash or ref $hash
411 7 4 5 $destroy || $clean || !$meth || ref $hash->{'DESTROY'} ne 'CODE'
432 5 74 15 $destroy or $clean