Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 108 14.8

line true false branch
33 0 1 if exists $CONVERT{$src}{$dst}{$mod}{$chr}
35 0 1 unless defined %Unicode::String::
39 0 0 if $_ =~ /^(?:utf16|utf8|utf7|ucs4|uchr|uhex|latin1)$/ or s/^(?:ucs2|unicode)$/utf16/o or s/^iso-8859-1$/latin1/o
40 0 0 if exists $MAPPING{$_}
41 0 0 unless ($REGISTR)
44 0 0 if $_ eq 'iso-8859-1'
47 0 1 if exists $CONVERT{$SRC}{$DST}{$mod}{$chr}
54 2 0 unless $$_[2] and not $MAPPING{$$_[0]}
60 0 1 if $map == 1 and $DST eq 'latin1' or $map == 2 and $SRC eq 'latin1' or $map == 0 and $SRC eq 'latin1' and $DST eq 'latin1'
66 0 1 if $map != 3 and $mod
67 0 1 if $map != 3 and length $chr
68 0 0 if $SRC eq $DST and $map != 3 || !($mod & 16)
71 1 0 if ($map != 3) { }
74 1 0 if $uni & 1 and $SRC ne 'utf16'
75 1 0 if $uni & 2 and $DST ne 'utf16'
79 0 1 if $map & 1
80 1 0 if $uni & 1 and not $map & 2 && !($utf & 1)
82 0 1 if $map & 2
83 0 1 if $utf & 2 and $map & 1
84 1 0 if $uni & 2 and $uni & 1 or $utf & 2 and $map & 1
89 0 1 if $TEST
109 0 0 $#_ ? :
0 0 unless my(@chr) = map({my(@a) = map(hex($_), split(/\+/, $_, 0)); $#a ? \@a : $a[0];} $#_ ? @_ : split(/\s+/, shift(), 0))
110 0 0 $#a ? :
117 0 0 ref $_ || !exists($EQUIVAL{$_}) ? :
126 0 0 if $mod & 18446744073709551584
127 0 0 if length $chr and $mod & 2
129 0 0 length $chr ? :
0 0 if $mod & 1 and not $mod & 2
133 0 0 if $mod & 16
134 0 0 $mod & 16 ? :
136 0 0 $_ ? :
139 0 0 if $mod & 18446744073709551614
143 0 0 if ($mod & 18446744073709551614)
145 0 0 unless $dst[$_] and exists $src{$dst[$_]}
152 0 0 if ($mod & 4 and not %EQUIVAL)
159 0 0 unless exists $EQUIVAL{$chr}
162 0 0 unless $_ < 128 or exists $dst{$_}
0 0 unless (ref $_)
163 0 0 unless $mod & 8
164 0 0 unless $_ < 128 or exists $dst{$_}
173 0 0 if not $src[$_] or $src[$_] == $dst[$_]
176 0 0 if (exists $dst{$src[$_]}) { }
0 0 elsif ($mod & 4 and my $uni = &$find) { }
0 0 elsif ($mod & 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($mod & 1) { }
180 0 0 if ref $uni and push @eqv, [$_, $uni]
182 0 0 if not $dst{$uni} && $_ == $dst{$uni} - 128 and push @map, [$_, $uni]
198 0 0 if @ent + @eqv > @dif
204 0 0 $$_[1] < 128 ? :
213 0 0 $_ < 128 ? :
219 0 0 @del ? :
0 0 if @chr
225 0 0 @del ? :