Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 32 71.8

line true false branch
27 2 39 if ($status->status eq 'running') { }
37 2 elsif ($status->status eq 'not running') { }
2 0 elsif ($status->status eq 'broken') { }
47 2 27 if ($status->status eq 'not running')
79 2 27 if (&blessed($start_result) and $start_result->isa('Ubic::Result::Class'))
83 27 2 if (not $status or $status->type eq 'starting')
87 27 0 unless $self->timeout_options->{'start'}
89 27 0 if ($status->status eq 'running')
94 0 29 unless ($status)
97 29 0 if ($status->status eq 'running') { }
110 2 26 if (&blessed($stop_result) and $stop_result->isa('Ubic::Result::Class'))
114 26 2 if (not $status or $status->type eq 'stopping')
118 26 0 unless $self->timeout_options->{'stop'}
120 26 0 if ($status->status eq 'not running')
125 0 28 unless ($status)
128 28 0 if ($status->status eq 'not running') { }