Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 96 116 82.7

line true false branch
98 0 22 unless $type
99 0 22 unless $width and $height
105 3 19 if $param{'cht'} eq 't' and $type ne 't'
118 2 6 unless ref $v
126 0 4 if ref $title eq 'ARRAY'
130 0 4 if (defined $color or defined $size)
131 0 0 defined $color ? :
132 0 0 unless defined $size
138 1 6 unless ref $lab eq 'ARRAY'
139 4 3 $param{'cht'} =~ /^p|^gom$/ ? :
150 5 1 unless ref $m
157 45 7 if (my $h = $handle{$k}) { }
158 30 15 if ref $h eq 'CODE'
162 0 7 unless $k =~ /^ch/
166 19 3 if $data
188 0 141 unless ($o{$a} ||= 99) <=> ($o{$b} ||= 99)
194 3 22 if $t =~ /^p/
195 1 21 if $t eq 'v'
196 0 21 if $t =~ /^r/
197 6 15 if $t =~ /^b/
198 1 14 if $t eq 'gom'
207 18 1 if (ref $data eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 1 elsif (ref $data eq 'HASH') { }
208 14 4 unless ref $$data[0]
220 10 66 if exists $$opt{$_}
225 23 2 if ref $set eq 'ARRAY'
233 1 135 unless defined $_
234 23 112 if not defined $min or $_ < $min
235 61 74 if not defined $max or $_ > $max
236 22 113 if ($$param{'cht'} =~ /^b.s\z/)
240 8 14 $_ < 0 ? :
248 4 21 if ($$rh{'stacked'})
254 0 44 unless defined $v
255 22 22 if ($_ eq 'min') { }
256 3 19 if $v < $min
259 9 13 if $v > $max
265 24 1 if (defined $min)
268 0 48 if (defined $$set{$k}) { }
276 3 8 if (not defined $rv or $k eq 'min' and $h{$k} < $rv or $k eq 'max' and $h{$k} > $rv)
289 16 4 unless $$r{'round'}
296 0 4 if $range == 0
297 0 4 if $range < 0
300 4 0 if $step / $range >= 0.1
301 3 1 if $step / $range < 0.05
307 1 3 if $min > 0 and $min / $range < 0.4
317 15 4 unless ($e)
323 13 2 if ($vcount < 20) { }
2 0 elsif ($vcount > 256 or $res < 60000) { }
341 25 53 if $v ne int $v
368 135 1 if (defined $_ and $_ >= $min and $_ <= $max and $min != $max) { }
380 4 15 if ($$param{'cht'} =~ /^b/)
382 2 2 if ($min < 0)
383 0 2 $max < 0 ? :
392 7 13 if (my $rshow = $$r{'show'})
401 7 13 if (@chxt)
410 160 33 unless ref $o
411 28 5 if ref $o eq 'ARRAY'
412 5 0 if ref $o eq 'HASH'