Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 92 191 48.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
123 0 0 0 $id_class_by and not ref $object_value
339 1359 862142 0 @results == 1 and not defined $results[0]
357 0 736 0 $my_class_meta and $my_property_meta
0 736 0 $my_class_meta and $my_property_meta and $via_property_meta
1 735 0 $my_class_meta and $my_property_meta and $via_property_meta and $to_property_meta
362 0 331 380 $my_property_meta->is_delegated and $my_property_meta->is_many
331 338 42 $my_property_meta->is_delegated and $my_property_meta->is_many and $via_property_meta->is_many
669 2 40 $my_property_meta->is_delegated and $my_property_meta->is_many and $via_property_meta->is_many and $via_property_meta->reverse_as
340 0 40 $my_property_meta->is_delegated and $my_property_meta->is_many and $via_property_meta->is_many and $via_property_meta->reverse_as and $via_property_meta->data_type
2 0 40 $my_property_meta->is_delegated and $my_property_meta->is_many and $via_property_meta->is_many and $via_property_meta->reverse_as and $via_property_meta->data_type and $via_property_meta->data_type->isa('UR::Object')
397 18 0 0 ref $where_value eq 'HASH' and $where_value->{'operator'}
416 20 3 16 $to_property_meta->is_delegated and my $doubly_deledated_bridge_crosser = _resolve_bridge_crosser_for_doubly_delegated_property($to_property_meta, \%bridge_meta_params)
455 0 0 4 $final_class_name and $final_class_name ne 'UR::Value'
0 0 4 $final_class_name and $final_class_name ne 'UR::Value' and $final_class_name->isa('UR::Object')
546 0 0 7 @_ == 1 && !(ref $_[0] && &Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0]) && $_[0]->isa('UR::BoolExpr'))
564 0 0 0 @_ and _is_assignment_value(@_)
573 0 0 0 @results == 1 and not defined $results[0]
636 863701 0 0 @_ == 1 and _is_assignment_value(@_)
683 0 0 0 @_ == 1 and ref $_[0]
0 0 0 @_ == 1 and ref $_[0] and $_[0]->isa('UR::BoolExpr')
768 31 0 7 @_ == 1 and _is_assignment_value(@_)
968 0 1654 241 $accessor and $is_cached
1240 324 354 7 $r_class_meta and not $reverse_as
1262 328 357 0 $reverse_as and not $r_class_meta
1322 1473 2 0 ref $where[$i] eq 'HASH' and exists $where[$i]{'operator'}
1545 0 0 1 @_ == 1 and $_[0]->isa($r_class_name)
1585 5 1 1 @_ == 1 and ref $_[0]
1713 77364 18019 6 $property_data->{'via'} and $property_data->{'via'} eq '__self__'
1748 88312 2383 4 $property_data->{'is_calculated'} and not $property_data->{'is_mutable'}
1752 4684 0 0 $property_data->{'access_as'} and $property_data->{'access_as'} eq 'auto'
1787 6 0 8 $property_data->{'is_many'} && $singular_name

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
513 31 44 $result_class_names_and_ids{$result_class} ||= []
1296 357 0 $obj->$my_property_name || undef
1497 1 0 $self->{$plural_name} || []
1555 0 1 $self->{$plural_name} ||= []
1561 96 80 $self->{$plural_name} ||= []
1606 2 0 $self->{$plural_name} ||= []
1643 0 0 $self->{$plural_name} ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
19 59960 0 0 $property_name ||= $accessor_name
32 9616 0 1443 $different or $@ =~ /has no overloaded magic/
59 7904 2 0 $property_name ||= $accessor_name
73 1 0 9 $different or $exception =~ /has no overloaded magic/
128 0 0 0 &Scalar::Util::blessed($object_value) || $object_value->can('id')
145 0 0 0 $id_decomposer ||= $r_class_meta->get_composite_id_decomposer
205 0 0 0 @_ or $where
243 49 0 1 &Scalar::Util::blessed($object_value) || $object_value->can('id')
260 39 46 0 $id_decomposer ||= $r_class_meta->get_composite_id_decomposer
315 0 0 516409 @_ or $where
385 39 0 0 $where or $via_property_meta->where
500 69 21 0 $composite_id_resolver_for_class{$result_class} ||= $result_class->__meta__->get_composite_id_resolver
528 0 0 33 $bridge_meta_params->{'-order'} or $bridge_meta_params->{'-order_by'}
686 0 0 0 $r_class_name ||= &$r_class_name_resolver()
704 14 0 0 $property_name ||= $accessor_name
731 0 13 0 $via_property_meta ||= $class_name->__meta__->property_meta_for_name($via)
736 0 13 0 $r_class_name ||= $via_property_meta->data_type
904 0 0 1895 not defined $calculation_src or $calculation_src eq ''
1040 0 0 0 $different or $exception =~ /has no overloaded magic/
1069 0 0 0 $different or $exception =~ /has no overloaded magic/
1112 0 0 0 $different or $exception =~ /has no overloaded magic/
1154 3 0 0 $different or $exception =~ /has no overloaded magic/
1185 1 0 0 $different or $exception =~ /has no overloaded magic/
1223 345 16 310 $r_class_meta or 'UR::Object::Type'->use_module_with_namespace_constraints($r_class_name)
1360 2 2714 20 not $plural_name or $singular_name ne $plural_name
1748 2734 0 68049 $property_data->{'is_many'} or $property_data->{'reverse_as'}
1776 18019 0 0 $property_data->{'to'} || $property_data->{'property_name'}
1843 6895 1009 59960 $id_property_names{$property_name} or not $property_data->{'is_mutable'}