Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 37 71 52.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
74 6496 99 0 $self->{'via'} and $self->{'to'}
0 95 4 $self->{'via'} and $self->{'to'} and $self->{'via'} eq '__self__'
90 126 2489 97 $ns and not $ns->isa('UR::Namespace')
102 136 0 2072 $ns and $ns->can('get')
198 0 0 2 $p->column_name and $class_meta->table_name
223 0 0 5 $id_by_meta and $id_by_meta->_involves_id_property
229 0 0 13 $via_meta and $via_meta ne $self
0 13 0 $via_meta and $via_meta ne $self and $via_meta->_involves_id_property
233 0 2 11 $to_meta and $to_meta->_involves_id_property
244 0 0 2 $where_meta and $where_meta->_involves_id_property
258 0 0 882 $self->is_delegated and $self->via
269 152 9 106 $_[0]->is_delegated and $_[0]->via
290 0 0 865 $self->is_delegated and $self->to
344 151 437 1 @my_id_by == 1 and @their_id_by > 1
403 0 1317 0 $self->class_name->__meta__->{'attributes_have'} and exists $self->class_name->__meta__->{'attributes_have'}{$method}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
84 2414 298 $foreign_class ||= ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
26 0 0 0 $self->is_calculated or $self->is_constant
0 0 0 $self->is_calculated or $self->is_constant or $self->is_many
0 0 0 $self->is_calculated or $self->is_constant or $self->is_many or $self->via
137 55 1197 0 not $ns or $ns->get->allow_sloppy_primitives
152 1678 2609 0 $self->{'_data_type_as_class_name'} ||= do { my $source_class = $self->class_name; my $foreign_class = $self->data_type; unless ($foreign_class) { if ($self->via or $self->to) { my(@joins) = 'UR::Object::Join'->resolve_chain($self->class_name, $self->property_name, $self->property_name); $foreign_class = $joins[-1]->foreign_class; } ; } ; 'UR::Object::Property'->_convert_data_type_for_source_class_to_final_class($foreign_class, $source_class) }
159 4 0 231 $self->via or $self->to
281 0 70 91 not defined $final or $final->id eq $self->id
344 267 0 589 not @their_id_by or @my_id_by == 1 and @their_id_by > 1