Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 38 73.6

line true false branch
15 130 4 $ENV{'EXTENDED_TESTING'} ? :
32 1 5 unless $overloads_installed++
44 2 3 &Scalar::Util::blessed($e) ? :
49 2 10 if ref $s and $e =~ /$s/
50 1 2 if not ref $s and $does and $e->$does($s)
73 0 3877 unless &blessed($type) and $type->can("check")
3865 0 if $strictures
3865 0 if $compiled
3779 86 if $can_inline
3779 86 if ($can_inline)
3865 0 if $strictures
3865 0 if $compiled
0 1477 unless &blessed($type) and $type->can("check")
1465 0 if $strictures
1465 0 if $compiled
1401 64 if $can_inline
1401 64 if ($can_inline)
1465 0 if $strictures
1465 0 if $compiled