Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 110 128 85.9

line true false branch
28 18 38 @_ && Types::TypeTiny::is_TypeTiny($_[-1]) && $_[-1]->is_strictly_a_type_of($_Slurpy) ? :
37 1 100 unless Types::TypeTiny::is_TypeTiny($_)
44 37 18 unless ($slurpy)
47 64 7 unless $_->is_strictly_a_type_of($_Optional)
49 55 16 defined $known ? :
52 24 13 if (@known == @constraints)
55 22 2 if $xsub
64 1 54 unless join("|", @sorted_is_optional) eq join("|", @is_optional)
70 45 78 if ($#constraints < $#$value)
71 8 37 unless $slurpy
73 11 26 if ($slurp_hash) { }
26 0 elsif (not $slurp_any) { }
74 5 6 unless ($#$value - $#constraints + 1) % 2
76 2 4 unless $slurpy->check($tmp)
80 15 11 unless $slurpy->check($tmp)
84 18 180 if $i > $#$value
87 17 163 unless $constraints[$i]->check($value->[$i])
95 18 36 @_ && Types::TypeTiny::is_TypeTiny($_[-1]) && $_[-1]->is_strictly_a_type_of($_Slurpy) ? :
103 3 51 if grep {not $_->can_be_inlined;} @constraints
104 1 50 if defined $slurpy and not $slurpy->can_be_inlined
107 33 17 unless ($slurpy)
110 56 6 unless $_->is_strictly_a_type_of($_Optional)
112 50 12 defined $known ? :
115 24 9 if (@known == @constraints)
123 17 33 if (defined $slurpy)
124 7 10 if $slurpy->my_slurp_into eq "HASH"
129 0 17 if $slurpy->my_unslurpy->equals(&Types::Standard::Any())
138 157 268 if $xsubname and not $Type::Tiny::AvoidCallbacks
157 125 40 $slurpy ? :
0 165 $slurpy_any ? :
103 165 scalar @constraints == $min && !$slurpy ? :
158 121 476 $is_optional[$_] ? :
16 597 $inline eq '(!!1)' ? :
171 2 2 @constraints && Types::TypeTiny::is_TypeTiny($constraints[-1]) && $constraints[-1]->is_strictly_a_type_of($_Slurpy) ? :
179 2 2 if (@constraints < @$value and not $slurpy)
190 0 2 if $constraints[$i]->is_strictly_a_type_of(&Types::Standard::Optional()) and $i > $#$value
193 1 1 if $constraints[$i]->check($value->[$i])
207 1 0 if (defined $slurpy)
208 1 0 $slurpy->my_slurp_into eq 'HASH' ? :
220 1 0 $slurpy->my_slurp_into eq 'HASH' ? :
1 0 unless $slurpy->check($tmp)
233 4 11 @tuple && Types::TypeTiny::is_TypeTiny($tuple[-1]) && $tuple[-1]->is_strictly_a_type_of($_Slurpy) ? :
242 4 11 $slurpy ? :
243 1 32 unless $tc->can_be_inlined
244 12 21 if $tc->has_coercion and not $tc->coercion->can_be_inlined
245 18 15 if $tc->has_coercion
248 5 10 unless $child_coercions_exist
253 4 6 if ($all_inlinable) { }
260 2 1 unless $slurpy
270 4 0 $ct_coerce ? :
281 1 2 if ($slurpy)
284 0 1 $slurpy_is_hashref ? :
292 1 0 $slurpy->has_coercion ? :
299 0 1 $slurpy_is_hashref ? :
319 6 0 @_ ? :
321 2 4 if (not $slurpy and @$value > @tuple)
327 0 0 if $i > $#$value and $is_optional[$i]
330 7 1 $ct->has_coercion ? :
332 0 8 unless $ct->check($x)
337 3 1 if ($slurpy and @$value > @tuple)
342 2 1 $slurpy_is_hashref ? :
343 3 0 if $slurpy->has_coercion
344 2 1 $slurpy_is_hashref ? :
3 0 $slurpy->check($tmp) ? :