Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 56 71 78.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
44 3 35 18 @_ && Types::TypeTiny::is_TypeTiny($_[-1]) && $_[-1]->is_strictly_a_type_of($_Slurpy)
90 1 34 18 @_ && Types::TypeTiny::is_TypeTiny($_[-1]) && $_[-1]->is_strictly_a_type_of($_Slurpy)
96 35 18 0 $slurpy and not $slurpy->can_be_inlined
100 35 15 3 $slurpy && $_hash->is_a_type_of($slurpy)
103 41 0 12 $slurpy && $slurpy->is_parameterized && ($slurpy->parent->strictly_equals($_map) && $slurpy->parameters || $slurpy->parent->strictly_equals($_hash) && [$_any, $slurpy->parameters->[0]])
169 0 8 0 @params && Types::TypeTiny::is_TypeTiny($params[-1]) && $params[-1]->is_strictly_a_type_of($_Slurpy)
188 1 11 4 $constraints{$k}->has_parent and $constraints{$k}->parent == &Types::Standard::Optional()
12 2 2 $constraints{$k}->has_parent and $constraints{$k}->parent == &Types::Standard::Optional() and not exists $value->{$k}
244 0 23 6 @_ && Types::TypeTiny::is_TypeTiny($_[-1]) && $_[-1]->is_strictly_a_type_of($_Slurpy)
257 23 21 6 $tc->has_coercion and not $tc->coercion->can_be_inlined
260 23 6 0 $slurpy and not $slurpy->can_be_inlined
261 23 2 4 $slurpy and $slurpy->has_coercion
25 3 1 $slurpy and $slurpy->has_coercion and not $slurpy->coercion->can_be_inlined
266 23 2 4 $slurpy and $slurpy->has_coercion
375 5 5 2 $is_optional{$k} and not exists $value->{$k}
401 6 22 61 @{$dict->parameters;} && Types::TypeTiny::is_TypeTiny($dict->parameters->[-1]) && $dict->parameters->[-1]->is_strictly_a_type_of($_Slurpy)
464 5 5 6 exists $params{$key} and $params{$key}->check($value)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
75 60 8 exists $constraints{$_} or return

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
432 6 0 26 $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Any() or $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Item()
6 0 26 $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Any() or $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Item() or $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Defined()
0 6 20 $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Any() or $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Item() or $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Defined() or $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Ref()
467 0 0 8 $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Any() or $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Item()
0 0 8 $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Any() or $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Item() or $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Defined()
0 0 8 $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Any() or $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Item() or $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Defined() or $slurpy == &Types::Standard::Ref()