Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 35 75 46.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
53 0 0 1 $lib->isa("Exporter") and my $types = do { no strict 'refs'; do { "${lib}::EXPORT_TAGS" }->{'types'} }
65 0 0 0 $moose->has_coercion && @{[] unless $moose->coercion->type_coercion_map;}
117 138 1 1 @_ == 2 and $_[0] =~ /^_*[A-Z]/
139 0 1 @_ == 2 and $_[0] =~ /^_*[A-Z]/ and $_[1] =~ /^[0-9]+$/
286 33 0 33 Types::TypeTiny::is_HashLike($_[0]) and not is_TypeTiny($_[0])
489 0 0 3 my $assume = $self->{'~~assume'} and $_[0] =~ /[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z]*(?:::[0-9A-Z_a-z]+)*/
556 3 0 0 $meta and $meta->isa("Class::MOP::Module")
3 0 0 $meta and $meta->isa("Mouse::Meta::Module")

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
128 137 118 $opts{'_caller_level'} || 0
138 0 0 ref $opts{'parent'} || 'non-reference scalar'
150 137 18 delete $opts{'bless'} || 'Type::Tiny'
290 0 33 $opts{'_caller_level'} || 0
293 0 33 delete $opts{'bless'} || 'Type::Coercion'
584 0 7 $opts{'fallback'} || [('lookup_via_moose', 'lookup_via_mouse'), $opts{'does'} ? 'make_role_type' : 'make_class_type']

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
53 71 12 1 $lib->isa("Type::Library") or $lib eq "Types::TypeTiny"
304 30 0 0 $meta->get_type($_) || $_
321 31 0 0 $meta->get_type($_) || $_
325 60 0 0 $meta->get_type($_) || $_
552 0 0 0 $meta ||= Moose::Util::find_meta($self->{'~~chained'})
553 0 0 0 $meta ||= Mouse::Util::find_meta($self->{'~~chained'})
576 4 3 0 $dwimmer ||= do { require Type::Registry; "Type::Registry::DWIM"->new }
643 1 1 2 $is_cache{$caller}{$uniq} || do { Types::TypeTiny::is_StringLike($type) ? eval { do { dwim_type("$type", 'for', $caller) } } : undef }
1 1 0 $is_cache{$caller}{$uniq} ||= $type
2 2 0 $is_cache_coderef{$caller}{$uniq} ||= $type->compiled_check
653 0 0 1 $is_cache{$caller}{$uniq} || do { Types::TypeTiny::is_StringLike($type) ? eval { do { dwim_type("$type", 'for', $caller) } } : undef }
0 0 0 $is_cache{$caller}{$uniq} ||= $type
2 0 0 $is_cache_coderef{$caller}{$uniq} ||= $type->compiled_check