Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 32 100.0

line true false branch
28 2 6 if ($args{'-export_ok'})
30 1 1 unless (grep {$_ eq $export;} @$type_aliases)
44 1 9 if ($target_package->can($type_alias_function_name))
63 1 11 if ($target_package->can($type_alias))
80 5 2 if (defined *{$EXPORT_OK;}{"ARRAY"})
96 42 22 if (&blessed($v)) { }
18 4 elsif (ref $v) { }
97 40 2 if ($v->can('check') and $v->can('get_message')) { }
105 8 10 if (ref $v eq 'ARRAY') { }
6 4 elsif (ref $v eq 'HASH') { }
3 1 elsif (ref $v eq 'CODE') { }
116 6 1 if (@_)
117 1 5 unless (@_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq "ARRAY")
132 3 1 defined $v ? :
142 3 5 if (@_) { }
143 1 2 unless (ref $type eq "CODE")