Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 166 9.0

line true false branch
122 11207 28 if (ref $new) { }
124 0 11207 unless ($reuse)
129 0 28 if scalar(@_) / 2 != 0
131 0 28 if defined $size
148 0 568 if $top->{$parent}
162 0 0 if ($node->firstson) { }
176 0 11235 unless ref $self
212 0 0 if (defined $attr and length $attr) { }
213 0 0 $type ? :
288 8 0 if (ref $p) { }
298 8 0 if (ref $p) { }
308 0 0 ref $p ? :
313 0 0 ref $p ? :
340 0 0 if (@_ != 3)
345 0 0 if (ref $type) { }
347 0 0 if ($decl_type == 12 or $decl_type == 13 or $decl_type == 1 or $decl_type == 2)
354 0 0 if ($decl_type == 4 or $decl_type == 3) { }
386 0 0 if (defined $log and UNIVERSAL::isa($log, 'ARRAY'))
390 0 0 unless (ref $type)
393 0 0 if ($path eq '') { }
397 0 0 if ($mtype) { }
424 0 0 if (defined $log and not UNIVERSAL::isa($log, 'ARRAY'))
428 0 0 unless (ref $type)
449 0 0 unless $type
469 2524 5960 if ($node->{$firstson})
474 568 7916 if $node == $top or not $node->{$parent}
475 5392 2524 if $node->{$rbrother}
493 0 0 unless ref $self
495 0 0 unless ref $fsformat
498 0 0 unless $hiding = $fsformat->isHidden($node)
514 0 0 unless ref $self
518 0 0 if defined $top and $node == $top or not $node->parent
519 0 0 if $node->rbrother
537 0 0 unless ref $node
539 0 0 if ($node->{$lbrother})
551 0 0 if $node == $top or not $node->{$parent}
568 0 0 unless ref $self
571 0 0 unless ref $fsformat
573 0 0 unless $hiding = $fsformat->isHidden($node)
590 0 0 unless ref $self
615 0 0 unless ref $self
670 0 0 unless ref $node
672 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::DOES::does($node, 'Treex::PML::List') or UNIVERSAL::DOES::does($node, 'Treex::PML::Alt')) { }
674 0 0 if ($step =~ /^\[(\d+)\]$/) { }
738 0 0 unless $fsformat
740 0 0 unless ($fsformat->isHidden($self))
745 0 0 unless defined $hidden and length $hidden
778 0 0 unless $fsformat
817 0 0 if ($p and $node == $p->{$firstson})
820 0 0 if $node->{$lbrother}
821 0 0 if $node->{$rbrother}
845 0 0 ref $fsformat ? :
846 0 0 defined $aord ? :
848 0 0 if ($b and defined $ordnum and $ordnum > ($b->{$aord} || 0)) { }
853 0 0 if $rb
864 0 0 if $b
888 0 0 unless $ref_node
890 0 0 unless $p
895 0 0 if $rb
922 0 0 unless $ref_node
924 0 0 unless $p
928 0 0 if ($lb) { }
959 0 0 unless ref $obj
961 0 0 unless $type
962 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::DOES::does($obj, 'Treex::PML::Schema::Decl')) { }
963 0 0 if ($obj->get_decl_type == 1)
970 0 0 unless $obj
972 0 0 if ($type->get_decl_type == 13)
976 0 0 if ($ch) { }
978 0 0 if ($ch_is == 12)
982 0 0 if ($ch_is == 5) { }
0 0 elsif ($ch_is == 6) { }
983 0 0 if $ch->find_elements_by_content_decl($obj)
985 0 0 if $ch->get_content_decl == $obj
1004 0 0 defined $oattr ? :
1019 0 0 unless $type
1020 0 0 if ($type->get_decl_type == 13)
1024 0 0 if ($omember)
1042 0 0 defined $oattr ? :
1057 0 0 unless $type
1058 0 0 if ($type->get_decl_type == 13)
1062 0 0 if ($omember)
1071 0 0 if $_