Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 40 45.0

line true false branch
23 100 36 if ($self->is_root or $self->phrase or ($self->{'#name'} || '') eq 'nonterminal') { }
36 0 elsif ($self->tag or ($self->{'#name'} || '') eq 'terminal') { }
36 0 61 $self->get_pml_type_name eq 'p-terminal.type' ? :
47 0 25 if $self->is_terminal
49 1 24 if (scalar @_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
0 24 elsif (@_ % 2) { }
67 0 36 if $self->is_terminal
69 0 36 if (scalar @_ == 1 and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
0 36 elsif (@_ % 2) { }
113 2 1 if ($self->get_children == 1)
128 106 0 if ($tokens_rf->[0] eq $expected_token) { }
154 7 16 if (@label_components)
159 20 30 if ($tokens_rf->[2] eq '(') { }
191 0 0 if ($self->phrase) { }
192 0 0 $self->functions ? :
197 0 0 defined $self->tag ? :
198 0 0 defined $self->form ? :
204 0 0 if ($self->children)
213 0 0 unless @children
237 0 0 $child0->is_leaf ? :