Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 2 26 7.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
216 13 0 0 $self->runner and $self->runner->cache
291 0 0 0 $value =~ /'/ and not $value =~ /"/
334 7 0 0 $self->cache and $params{'use_cache'}
392 0 0 0 $sequence{$skip_from}{'to'} and $self->_is_known_sequence($sequence{$skip_from}{'hash'}, $document->get_hash)
425 0 0 0 defined $status and $status == $Treex::Core::Block::DOCUMENT_FROM_CACHE
0 0 0 defined $status and $status == $Treex::Core::Block::DOCUMENT_FROM_CACHE and $sequence{$skip_from}{'to'}
0 0 0 defined $status and $status == $Treex::Core::Block::DOCUMENT_FROM_CACHE and $sequence{$skip_from}{'to'} and $self->_is_known_sequence($sequence{$skip_from}{'hash'}, $document->get_hash)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
346 0 0 $reader->number_of_documents_per_this_job || '?'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
204 0 0 0 eval { do { log_info('Trying to precompile it for you'); require Parse::RecDescent; local $Treex::Core::Scenario::CWD = $dir; 'Parse::RecDescent'->Precompile({-'standalone', 1}, $grammar, 'Treex::Core::ScenarioParser'); $parser = $self->_load_parser; 1 } } or eval { do { log_info('Cannot precompile, loading directly from grammar. Consider precompiling it manually'); require Parse::RecDescent; $parser = 'Parse::RecDescent'->new($grammar); 1 } }