Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 26 100.0

line true false branch
30 2 7 unless defined $UID
36 4 2 unless &blessed($visitor) and $visitor->isa('Tree::Simple::Visitor')
43 4 9 unless &blessed($tree) and $tree->isa('Tree::Simple')
50 1 8 unless defined $UID
61 4 4 if ($self->{'_filter_function'}) { }
64 1 36 if $tree->getUID eq $UID and $self->{'_filter_function'}->($tree)
70 4 18 if $tree->getUID eq $UID
77 2 6 if (defined $self->{'traversal_method'}) { }
80 1 5 if $self->includeTrunk
87 1 1 if $self->includeTrunk
94 7 1 if ($@) { }
97 5 2 if (&blessed($@) and $@->isa('Tree::Simple')) { }
121 1 5 unless $self->{'success'}