Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 48 91.6

line true false branch
15 2 247 if &blessed($class)
40 2 38 @_ ? :
48 6 12 if (my(@children) = @{$self->{'_children'};})
56 1 40 unless &blessed($self)
72 9 178 if (defined $options->{'at'}) { }
73 7 2 if ($options->{'at'}) { }
118 50 10720 if (@_) { }
123 10673 47 if ((caller)->isa('Tree::Fast') or $self->isa(scalar caller)) { }
124 10673 0 wantarray ? :
135 0 201 if defined $value
151 1 0 if $meta and not &blessed($meta) and ref $meta eq "HASH"
172 16 159 unless $order
174 141 34 if (wantarray) { }
177 79 62 if ($order eq $self->PRE_ORDER) { }
54 8 elsif ($order eq $self->POST_ORDER) { }
8 0 elsif ($order eq $self->LEVEL_ORDER) { }
201 16 18 if ($order eq $self->PRE_ORDER) { }
8 10 elsif ($order eq $self->POST_ORDER) { }
8 2 elsif ($order eq $self->LEVEL_ORDER) { }
208 16 72 unless $node
217 56 16 if (@stack)
237 8 36 unless $node
254 8 36 unless $node
299 28 9 if ($class =~ /^Tree(?:::.*)?$/)