Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 50 64.0

line true false branch
37 3 10 unless ($opt{'ura_base'} and $opt{'ura_version'})
65 0 10 if ($opt{'with_stops'})
76 0 10 if (substr($self->{'ura_instant_url'}, 0, 5) ne 'file:') { }
79 0 0 if (not $self->{'full_routes'} and $self->{'stop_id'})
83 0 0 if (defined $self->{'via_id'})
89 0 0 if ($self->{'line_id'})
94 0 0 if ($self->{'circle'})
104 1 9 if ($response->is_error)
111 0 9 if ($self->{'developer_mode'})
116 9 0 if (substr($self->{'ura_instant_url'}, 0, 5) eq 'file:')
144 9891 145782 if ($type == 0)
151 9891 0 unless (exists $self->{'stops'}{$stop_id})
160 145773 9900 if ($type == 1)
176 2 1 if ($actual_match)
210 2 10 if ($via or $via_id)
225 12100 178167 if ($type != 1)
229 0 178167 if ($line_id and not $lineid eq $line_id)
233 111872 66295 if ($stop and not $stopname eq $stop)
237 0 66295 if ($stop_id and not $stopid eq $stop_id)
241 0 66295 unless ($timestamp)
248 32394 33901 if ($hide_past and $ts_now > $timestamp)
258 757 33144 if ($full_routes)
267 740 17 if ($via and &none(sub { $_->[1] eq $via; } , @route_post))
273 0 17 if ($via_id and &none(sub { $_->[2] eq $via_id; } , @route_post))
279 0 17 if ($hide_past)