Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 45 117 38.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
56 0 0 30 $name and $cat
0 30 0 $name and $cat and $name eq $cat
59 0 30 0 defined $train_no and not $train_no
62 30 0 0 not defined $line_no and defined $product->{'prodCtx'}{'matchId'}
30 0 0 not defined $line_no and defined $product->{'prodCtx'}{'matchId'} and !defined($train_no) || $product->{'prodCtx'}{'matchId'} ne $train_no
81 0 0 1 $msg->{'type'} eq "REM" and defined $msg->{'remX'}
0 0 0 $msg->{'type'} eq "HIM" and defined $msg->{'himX'}
135 30 359 0 $sched_arr && $rt_arr
140 359 1 29 $sched_dep && $rt_dep
319 3 0 0 defined $self->{'rt_platform'} and defined $self->{'sched_platform'}
354 0 0 0 $self->{'route'}[0] and $self->{'route'}[0]{'extra'}
384 0 0 0 @via_main and $via_main[-1]{'name'} eq $last_stop->{'name'}
387 0 0 0 @via and $via[-1]{'name'} eq $last_stop->{'name'}
391 0 0 0 @via_main and @via
0 0 0 @via_main and @via and $via[0]{'name'} eq $via_main[0]{'name'}
406 0 0 0 @via_show < $max_parts and @via_main

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
31 30 0 $opt{'common'}{'locL'} // []
32 30 0 $opt{'common'}{'prodL'} // []
33 30 0 $opt{'common'}{'opL'} // []
34 30 0 $opt{'common'}{'icoL'} // []
35 0 30 $opt{'common'}{'tcocL'} // []
36 30 0 $opt{'common'}{'remL'} // []
37 0 30 $opt{'common'}{'himL'} // []
80 1 29 $journey->{'msgL'} // []
108 30 0 $journey->{'stopL'} // []
149 0 389 $stop->{'dTrnCmpSX'}{'tcocX'} // []
273 0 30 $journey->{'stbStop'}{'dTrnCmpSX'}{'tcocX'} // []
369 0 0 $max_parts //= 3

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
51 0 30 0 $product->{'addName'} // $product->{'name'}
62 0 0 0 !defined($train_no) || $product->{'prodCtx'}{'matchId'} ne $train_no
117 0 14 375 $stop->{'aPlatfS'} // $stop->{'dPlatfS'}
118 0 0 389 $stop->{'aPlatfR'} // $stop->{'dPlatfR'}
119 0 0 389 $stop->{'aPlatfCh'} // $stop->{'dPlatfCh'}
171 0 359 30 $rt_arr // $sched_arr
29 1 359 $rt_dep // $sched_dep
29 0 360 $dep_delay // $arr_delay
0 14 375 $rt_platform // $sched_platform
192 30 0 0 $route_end // $direction
213 0 0 0 $ref->{'is_cancelled'} ||= $journey->{'stbStop'}{'aCncl'}
217 1 0 29 $ref->{'is_cancelled'} ||= $journey->{'stbStop'}{'dCncl'}
231 0 14 16 $ref->{'rt_platform'} // $ref->{'sched_platform'}
262 29 1 0 $datetime_r // $datetime_s
408 0 0 0 &any(sub {