Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 40 42 95.2

line true false branch
44 1148 4 unless my(@errors) = validate_mask($mask)
53 91 1047 ref $sub ? :
61 221 917 unless $ref
78 2 1153 unless $mask and ref $mask and &reftype($mask) eq 'HASH'
85 548 1429 if $key =~ /^\d+$/
86 1422 7 if $VALID_MASK{$key}
90 135 1018 if (my $shift = $mask->{'shift'})
91 1 134 unless $shift =~ /^\d+$/ and $shift >= 0
95 520 633 if (my $hide = $mask->{'hide'})
96 0 520 unless $hide =~ /^\d+$/ and $hide >= 0
109 2 12 if $delta and ref $delta || !($delta =~ /^-?\d+$/)
112 12 1 unless @subs
113 12 1 if $delta
126 3 90 if $sub and not ref $sub
128 1 89 unless $sub and ref $sub and &reftype($sub) eq 'CODE'
144 4 4 if $sub and not ref $sub
146 1 4 unless $sub and ref $sub and &reftype($sub) eq 'CODE'
150 1 3 if $name =~ /__ANON__$/
171 0 6393 ref $sub ? :
175 33 6360 if $sub =~ /(?:^|:)(END|BEGIN|UNITCHECK|CHECK|INIT|DESTROY|import|unimport)$/
185 5202 1158 unless @order