Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 40 54 74.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
46 211 0 3863 @call and defined $call[0]
92 2894 65 672 $paused and not $mask->{'restart'} || $lock
95 1565 8 1386 $stopped and not $lock
109 1035 158 89 $skip and not --$skip
1193 24 65 $skip and not --$skip and $shift
131 0 13 0 @stack and $stack[-1] == $last
142 0 0 15 $trace and @$trace
158 0 3 1 @$trace and $level--

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
32 1 0 $@ || 'error was smashed!'
163 13 5 $args_str ||= ''
183 1 1 &blessed($arg) || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
92 39 26 672 $mask->{'restart'} || $lock
97 213 0 1360 $mask->{'hide'} or $mask->{'shift'}
78 21 1261 $mask->{'hide'} or $mask->{'shift'} or $lock
110 0 78 0 $shift ||= $frame
111 0 0 78 $skip || $lock
114 66 13 134 $skip || $lock
121 436 0 1137 $skip || $mask->{'no_start'} && !@stack
123 1057 0 516 $push or $lock