Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 19 49 38.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
17 17 0 0 @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^(reload|start|stop)$/u
102 0 1 1 $> == 0 || $< == 0 and not grep({/\bSetUserGroup$/u;} @$plugins)
152 3 0 0 ref $app and UNIVERSAL::isa($app, "Mojolicious")

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
27 0 15 $app->config->{'tf'} ||= {}
82 0 0 $ENV{'TOADFARM_CHROOT_BIN'} || 'chroot'
96 1 3 $config->{'tf_plugins'} || []
155 3 0 0 $app = eval { do { $server->build_app($class) } } or push @error, $@
184 3 0 eval join($", @over) || die("@{over}: $@")
185 0 3 $mount_point || '/'
225 0 0 shift() || die(q[Usage: run_as('username')])
259 0 0 $config->{'tf_plugins'} || []
281 1 0 $config->{'level'} || 'info'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
17 2 17 0 $ENV{'TOADFARM_ACTION'} //= @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^(reload|start|stop)$/u ? $1 : "load"
49 0 4 0 $app->config->{'hypnotoad'}{'pid_file'} ||= $class->_pid_file($app)
102 2 0 0 $> == 0 || $< == 0
154 0 3 0 File::Which::which($path) || class_to_path($path)
156 0 0 0 $app = eval { do { $server->load_app($path) } } or push @error, $@
168 7 10 0 $app->config->{$_} ||= $config->{$_}
280 0 1 0 $config->{'path'} ||= delete $config->{'file'}