Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 90 128 70.3

line true false branch
17 30 1 if (defined $self->{'-points'} and defined $self->{'-form'})
21 0 30 unless defined $self->{'-subset'}
24 10 20 if ($self->{'-form'} eq 'oval')
28 2 8 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'lines_outside')
33 2 6 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'points_outside')
38 2 4 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'points_inside')
43 2 2 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'lines_inside')
48 2 0 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'all')
56 10 10 if ($self->{'-form'} eq 'circle')
60 2 8 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'lines_outside')
65 2 6 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'points_outside')
70 2 4 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'points_inside')
75 2 2 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'lines_inside')
80 2 0 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'all')
88 10 0 if ($self->{'-form'} eq 'polygon')
92 2 8 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'lines_outside')
97 2 6 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'points_outside')
102 2 4 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'lines_inside')
107 2 2 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'points_inside')
112 2 0 if ($self->{'-subset'} eq 'all')
136 0 4 if $p_x1 > $p_x2
137 0 4 if $p_y1 > $p_y2
141 0 4 if ($width < 5 or $height < 5)
220 0 4 if $p_x1 > $p_x2
221 0 4 if $p_y1 > $p_y2
225 0 4 if ($width < 5 or $height < 5)
264 0 4 if $p_x1 > $p_x2
265 0 4 if $p_y1 > $p_y2
269 0 4 if ($width < 5 or $height < 5)
316 0 4 if $p_x1 > $p_x2
317 0 4 if $p_y1 > $p_y2
321 0 4 if ($width < 5 or $height < 5)
358 0 4 if $p_x1 > $p_x2
359 0 4 if $p_y1 > $p_y2
363 0 4 if ($width < 5 or $height < 5)
405 0 4 if $p_x1 > $p_x2
406 0 4 if $p_y1 > $p_y2
410 0 4 if ($width < 5 or $height < 5)
446 18140 5624 if ($x2py2 < $r2) { }
5560 64 elsif ($x2py2 > $r2) { }
475 0 4 if $p_x1 > $p_x2
476 0 4 if $p_y1 > $p_y2
480 0 4 if ($width < 5 or $height < 5)
497 18140 5624 if ($x2py2 < $r2)
513 0 4 if $p_x1 > $p_x2
514 0 4 if $p_y1 > $p_y2
518 0 4 if ($width < 5 or $height < 5)
535 5560 18204 if ($x2py2 > $r2)
551 0 4 if $p_x1 > $p_x2
552 0 4 if $p_y1 > $p_y2
556 0 4 if ($width < 5 or $height < 5)
584 0 4 if $p_x1 > $p_x2
585 0 4 if $p_y1 > $p_y2
589 0 4 if ($width < 5 or $height < 5)
785 0 20 if $points_count < 3
797 0 130 if $self->{'min_y'} > $p[$_]{'y'}
798 50 80 if $self->{'max_y'} < $p[$_]{'y'}
799 20 110 if $self->{'min_x'} > $p[$_]{'x'}
800 30 100 if $self->{'max_x'} < $p[$_]{'x'}
809 5820 35690 if (not $i) { }
823 20250 21260 if ($p_y1 < $p_y2) { }
21260 0 elsif ($p_y1 > $p_y2) { }
840 12540 28970 if ($p_y >= $p_y1 and $p_y < $p_y2) { }
40 28930 elsif ($p_y == $self->{'max_y'} and $p_y > $p_y1 and $p_y <= $p_y2) { }