Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 141 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
288 0 0 0 defined $data and not _isainteger($data)
295 0 0 0 defined $xvaluesregex and ref $xvaluesregex ne 'Regexp'
304 0 0 0 defined $gradient and ref $gradient ne 'HASH'
311 0 0 0 defined $colors and ref $colors ne 'ARRAY'
319 0 0 0 defined $markers and ref $markers ne 'ARRAY'
326 0 0 0 defined $type_mixed and ref $type_mixed ne 'ARRAY'
348 0 0 0 my $noaxis = $cw->cget(-'noaxis') and $cw->cget(-'noaxis') == 1
425 0 0 0 defined $yminvalue and not _isanumber($yminvalue)
430 0 0 0 defined $ymaxvalue and not _isanumber($ymaxvalue)
435 0 0 0 defined $yminvalue and defined $ymaxvalue
468 0 0 0 defined $zoomx and _isanumber($zoomx)
0 0 0 defined $zoomx and _isanumber($zoomx) and $zoomx > 0
0 0 0 defined $zoomy and _isanumber($zoomy)
0 0 0 defined $zoomy and _isanumber($zoomy) and $zoomy > 0
496 0 0 0 $cw->{'RefChart'}{'Balloon'}{'Obj'} and $cw->Tk::Exists->{'RefChart'}{'Balloon'}{'Obj'}
511 0 0 0 defined $croak and $croak == 1
515 0 0 0 defined $verbose and $verbose == 1
648 0 0 0 defined $ref_data_to_display and defined $ref_data_to_display->[$line_number]
740 0 0 0 defined $longticks and $longticks == 1
0 0 0 defined $xlongticks and $xlongticks == 1
783 0 0 0 defined $longticks and $longticks == 1
0 0 0 defined $ylongticks and $ylongticks == 1
850 0 0 0 defined $yminvalue and $yminvalue > 0
951 0 0 0 $anchor eq 'left' and $anchor eq 'right'
1099 0 0 0 defined $cumulatepercent and $cumulatepercent == 1
1111 0 0 0 defined $yminvalue and defined $ymaxvalue
1112 0 0 0 $ymaxvalue >= $cw->{'RefChart'}{'Data'}{'MaxYValue'} and $yminvalue <= $cw->{'RefChart'}{'Data'}{'MinYValue'}
0 0 0 defined $interval and $interval == 1
1124 0 0 0 defined $cumulate and $cumulate == 1
0 0 0 defined $cumulate and $cumulate == 1 and $cw->{'RefChart'}{'Data'}{'MinYValue'} > 0
1128 0 0 0 defined $interval and $interval == 1
1136 0 0 0 defined $yminvalue and $yminvalue != 0
1139 0 0 0 defined $ymaxvalue and $ymaxvalue != 0
1220 0 0 0 $cw->cget(-'zeroaxisonly') == 1 and $cw->{'RefChart'}{'Data'}{'MaxYValue'} > 0
0 0 0 $cw->cget(-'zeroaxisonly') == 1 and $cw->{'RefChart'}{'Data'}{'MaxYValue'} > 0 and $cw->{'RefChart'}{'Data'}{'MinYValue'} < 0
1274 0 0 0 defined $showvalues and $showvalues == 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
407 0 0 0 $startangle < $MIN_ANGLE or $startangle > $MAX_ANGLE
468 0 0 0 defined $zoomx and _isanumber($zoomx) and $zoomx > 0 or defined $zoomy and _isanumber($zoomy) and $zoomy > 0
561 0 0 0 $ref_coord{'type'} eq 'circle' or $ref_coord{'type'} eq 'square'
740 0 0 0 defined $longticks and $longticks == 1 or defined $xlongticks and $xlongticks == 1
751 0 0 0 $longtickscolor || $xlongtickscolor
783 0 0 0 defined $longticks and $longticks == 1 or defined $ylongticks and $ylongticks == 1
794 0 0 0 $longtickscolor || $ylongtickscolor
850 0 0 0 $cw->{'RefChart'}{'Data'}{'MinYValue'} == 0 or defined $yminvalue and $yminvalue > 0
0 0 0 $cw->{'RefChart'}{'Data'}{'MinYValue'} == 0 or defined $yminvalue and $yminvalue > 0 or $cw->{'RefChart'}{'Data'}{'MinYValue'} > 0
885 0 0 0 not defined $longticks or $longticks != 1
1112 0 0 0 $ymaxvalue >= $cw->{'RefChart'}{'Data'}{'MaxYValue'} and $yminvalue <= $cw->{'RefChart'}{'Data'}{'MinYValue'} or defined $interval and $interval == 1