Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 24 0.0

line true false branch
225 0 0 if defined $r
227 0 0 unless $content =~ /\A[\ \t\n]*TT\(BIPM[0-9]{2,4}\)\ is\ a\ realization/
236 0 0 unless $mjd > $last_mjd
237 0 0 if ($last_mjd < 43144 and $mjd >= 43144)
243 0 0 unless $sign =~ /-\z/
263 0 0 if defined $tt_eal
265 0 0 unless $content =~ /\A[\ \t\n]*[^\n]*differences between the normalized/i
283 0 0 unless $old_mjd == $mjd
315 0 0 if ($k =~ m[\Atai(?:/(.+))?\z]is) { }
0 0 elsif ($k =~ /\Abipm([0-9][0-9])\z/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($k =~ /\Aeal\z/i) { }
317 0 0 defined $1 ? :