Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 52 60 86.6

line true false branch
113 27 0 unless $options->{'handler'}
158 7 180 $t =~ s/^localed_// ? :
190 0 27 if $@
198 0 163 if $type eq 'UNSUPPORTED'
201 92 71 if (ref $val)
202 10 82 if ref $val eq 'CODE'
203 92 0 if ref $val eq 'ARRAY'
207 22 141 if ($type eq 'extend') { }
217 4 137 if $type eq 'SKIP'
218 4 133 if $type eq 'char'
228 1 132 if ($type eq 'timezone') { }
7 125 elsif ($type =~ /^localed_([a-z]+)$/) { }
246 0 27 $self->{'strict'} ? :
250 17 10 $types_table->{'second'} ? :
251 17 10 $types_table->{'minute'} ? :
253 3 24 if ($types_table->{'epoch'}) { }
20 4 elsif ($types_table->{'year'} and $types_table->{'month'} and $types_table->{'day'}) { }
1 3 elsif ($types_table->{'year'} and $types_table->{'month'}) { }
3 0 elsif ($types_table->{'year'} and $types_table->{'day365'}) { }
280 17 10 $types_table->{'second'} ? :
281 17 10 $types_table->{'minute'} ? :
285 20 7 if (defined $fixed_offset) { }
6 1 elsif ($types_table->{'offset'}) { }
286 0 20 if ($fixed_offset != 0)
303 4 3 unless (defined $fixed_offset or $types_table->{'epoch'})
315 26 28 if ($types_table->{'hour24'}) { }
8 20 elsif ($types_table->{'hour12'} and $types_table->{'pm'}) { }
328 6 21 if $types_table->{'offset'}
329 1 20 if $types_table->{'timezone'}
330 0 20 unless exists $FIXED_OFFSET{$self->{'time_zone'}->name}