Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 34 50.0

line true false branch
32 0 4 unless @_ == 0 or @_ % 2 == 0
37 0 4 unless $ATTRS{$_}
38 4 0 if defined $h{$_}
75 0 11 unless $start > 0
76 0 11 if $now < $start
77 0 11 unless $format
87 0 11 unless defined $cur
88 0 11 unless $sdelta > 0 and $sdelta < 1
93 5 6 if ($format =~ /%(\d*)[bB]/)
96 0 5 if $bl eq '' or $bl < 1
104 11 0 if ($min <= $cur and $cur <= $max or $min >= $cur and $cur >= $max)
106 2 9 if ($cur - $min == 0) { }
114 0 0 if ($self->{'smoothing'} and defined $last_e and $last_e < $e and ($e - $last_e) / $last_e < $sdelta)
118 0 9 if $e < 0
119 0 9 if $self->{'smoothing'}
126 11 0 if ($max - $min != 0)
153 0 0 unless $len ne '' and $len > 0